Current Information about the flood situation in Prague

Even though the current flooding does not affect our school and UNYP is operating as normal, and we are aware of no student emergencies, please take note of the following information regarding current and future flood situation in Prague: Flood update can be found at This source provides information in English. Additionally, the Prague City […]

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Technologičtí pracovníci z Prahy a Silicon Valley navštívili kurs Elektronického obchodu na UNYP, aby se zúčastnili závěrečných prezentací projektů studentů.

Tento semestr profesor Elektronického obchodu, Jeff Medeiros přivedl několik pracovníků v oboru elektronický obchod a technologie, aby sledovali a dali zpětnou vazbu studentským projektům tohoto semestru v kursu Elektronický obchod a Technologie v marketingu.   Na začátku semestru se studenti rozdělili do týmů a měli přijít s formulací podnikatelského nápadu, který využívá internet a související marketingové koncepty, které se v semestru probírali. Letošní […]

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Can You Really Build Your Own Business?

President of the United States Barack Obama suffered a verbal misstep in 2012, when speaking to a group in Roanoke, Virginia.  The clip can be found here: Specifically, the words that he used, that were focused on as insulting to entrepreneurs, were: „If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that […]

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Voodoo (Macro)Economics

Viewing the state of economic policy in the developed world these days, one is reminded of the old joke about the gentleman drunk  stumbling around under the lamppost looking for his lost keys. A policeman comes to help and after some time asks the gentleman if he is sure he lost his keys here. “No”, […]

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Contextualizing Cultural Diversity at the United Nations of UNYP

To those familiar with the make-up of classes at UNYP, the idea of teaching courses in intercultural or cross-cultural communication could seem to be a curious activity, since every single class is made up of students from quite often a surprisingly broad range of ethnic origins, and the interaction among students and faculty of a […]

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Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition at UNYP

The Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy (and Painting) exhibition took place on Tuesday 14th May at UNYP. The class was taught by Natasha Sutta. The exhibition was opened by Dr. Andreas Antonopoulos, the Rector of UNYP.  Two UNYP students, Ta Thuy Dung (Susie) and Nguyen Mai Linh delighted their audience with Chinese, Korean and American songs, accompanied by guitarist Daniel […]

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Psychology Student Conference to become annual event!

On Friday, May 10th, the Psychology Department of the University of New York in Prague held its first student research conference, entitled: International Student Research Symposium: Building a Global Community in Psychological Science for the 21st Century. The event was held in partnership with New York University, and invited students to present their original research in panel […]

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Guest lecture from CSOB Banking at UNYP

On Thursday 2 May Jan Bures, Chief Economist of Era, part of the CSOB banking group, gave a guest lecture at UNYP. Jan talked to students in the IER and Business Administration majors about the crisis in the Eurozone. His talk, about the ethical dimensions of the crisis, was followed by a lively question and […]

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UNYP students visited the Czech National Bank

On Friday 3 May students in the International Money and Banking course at UNYP visited the Czech National Bank. The visitors learnt about the work of the bank and about the history of central banking in the Czech lands. The visit also included the People and Money exhibition on the history of Czech money, from […]

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Dr. Marek Preiss published the research about university cheaters

How students are cheating during the university studies? You can read article on this open journal from our Professor, Dr. Marek Preiss, or wait to June Monthly Newsletter Chronicle where he´ll bring this topic in English version. Follow this link About the author: Dr. Marek Preiss is a full time instructor and researcher at UNYP. He […]

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