Is stress all bad? Managing stress in university.

Stress and anxiety symptoms are common among university students all over the world, and impact on quality of life and academic performance. There’s just so much going on, the pressure to fit in, the pressure to achieve high academic results, the weight of social media and the digital age overall. Additionally, for lots of students, […]

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Nekonečné možnosti s titulem psychologie

Vysoká škola University of New York in Prague nabízí bakalářské a magisterské programy v oboru psychologie. Každoročně se setkáváme s budoucími studenty, ale podle našich zkušeností si nejsou všichni plně vědomi toho, jakým specifických zaměstnáním se mohou s tímto titulem věnovat. Tady je několik cenných podnětů k zamyšlení, které nám poskytly zástupci katedry psychologie. Mnoho lidí z celého světa […]

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How to deal with crisis

Are people prepared for sudden situations, such as car accidents or terrorist attacks? Psychologist and UNYP professor Radek Ptáček was invited by discussion program called Rozstřel to talk about dealing with crisis. According to him, most of the people either freeze or start panicking when neither of these options leads to a solution. ‘‘Preparing and training for […]

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Psychologist Radek Ptáček talks psychopaths

They are manipulative, heartless and they know what you want to hear. Clinical psychologist and UNYP professor Radek Ptáček was interviewed by CHILI-CHILI magazine about psychopaths and their behavior. Radek is a court appointed Forensic psychologist and also Head of the Division for Education with the Czech Medical Chamber. Part of his job is to deal with […]

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Former Czech Prime Minister, Jan Fischer to address UNYP Graduates

On Friday, June 22nd the University of New York in Prague will hold its 17th annual Graduation Ceremony at Palác Žofín.  The Keynote speaker for the 2018 UNYP Graduation will be the Former Prime Minister of Czech Republic, Jan Fischer. He will address the nearly 150 graduates from more 40 nations, their parents and honored guests. The culmination of […]

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UNYP dosáhl dalšího milníku. Všechny americké programy byly registrovány MŠMT.

UNYP s radostí oznamuje, že české Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy formálně UNYPu poskytnulo povolení v pokračování nabízení programů svých dlouhotrvajících amerických partnerských univerzit: Americké bakalářské programy schváleny Ve spolupráci se State University of New York, Empire State College (USA) Bakalářské programy v: Obchodní administrativě Komunikacích a mediálních studiích Anglickém jazyce a literatuře IT Management Psychologii Americké magisterské programy uznány Ve […]

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Seven steps to realizing your dreams

Have you ever sensed that things are simply not going your way, no matter what you do to make your projects – and your life in general – work as desired?  Are you sometimes at a loss to understand why your efforts come to little effect?  Do you often despair over a feeling that your […]

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Stress of Exams and Unplugging from Distractions

We are only a few weeks away from final exams. Many students are already getting jittery and nervous about how to study and prepare for all the different classes. Being a university student is an opportunity that not everyone is fortunate enough to experience. It is a chance to prepare oneself for the real world, […]

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The secrets of great presentations

We’ve all been there – the captive audience of a presenter who shows a long Powerpoint presentation, reads from hundreds of slides and at the end hauls out the classic phrase “I hope you don’t feel tired…!” This is invariably the same presenter who started the presentation with the dread words “I will try to […]

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Say “Yes” First – Think About it Later

A quiet, eager man known as Professor Bowman once told me — a fidgety sophomore petrified by my fear of failure or humiliation – that I should always “Say ‘yes’ first, and think about it later”. He said this was the way to face new opportunities about which I was unsure or potentially underqualified to […]

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