Co dělat po promoci – magisterské studium nebo práce?

Studium máte za sebou. Složili jste státní zkoušky a vaše diplomová práce byla úspěšná. Teď stojíte před těžkým rozhodnutím. Měli byste pokračovat v magisterském studiu nebo byste měli nastoupit do práce? Toto rozhodnutí určitě není lehké a závisí na několika okolnostech, včetně toho, co plánuje po studiu. Aby jsme vám pomohli tuto situaci vyřešit, tady je několik […]

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Hygge – A Marketer’s Dream or the Secret to Happiness?

Another mass-marketed trend used to sell products, or the answer to our stress-filled digital lifestyles? Veronika Zavrelova dissects the communication context of ‚hygge‘. It seems that every year we are flooded with texts and images of a new lifestyle trend, with the implicit suggestion that it has all the answers. You know the drill – […]

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The Light and Shadow of Digital Technologies We Live With – part II

Many of the great values of digital technologies (probably all) have a shadow side. My view is similar to Jung’s; I do not see these shadows as wholly bad, because they enable us to see the light. If we do not integrate the darker side, the lighter side will seem less bright. We need the instinctive, […]

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UNYP Professor, talks James Bond – A first class psychopath?

In an article written by Lucie Suchá on April 19th for Mladá Fronta Dnes, University of New York in Prague Professor and Director of the Master’s program in Psychology, Radek Ptáček discusses the topic of psychopaths in today’s society. They don’t feel sympathy, they don’t have a conscience, and they’re controlled by the sense of […]

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Measuring Integrity: European Congress of Psychology

Two UNYP alumni  (Tereza Mejzlíková and Jindra Marková /Pitáková/), statistician Jana Maliňáková from NÚDZ and UNYP professor (Marek Preiss) are preparing presentations for the European Congress of Psychology, which will be held in Amsterdam, July 2017. They will present three lectures, the first one on integrity and related constructs based upon the study of blue-collar […]

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UNYP’s Center for Advanced Behavioral Research Opens Child Learning & Development Lab!

The Child Learning & Development Lab in UNYP’s Center for Advanced Behavioral Research officially opened at Belgická 40, on December 9th, 2016, Research Group Leader and Chair of Psychology department, Edel Sanders, is leading two investigations, with pilot projects slated to run in late Spring and early Fall of 2017.  The Child Learning & Development Lab is modeled […]

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