Studentský život

UNYP prepares a high-tech flexible learning environment and other anti-COVID 19 measures to welcome back students in September.

This week, UNYP will be welcoming our new and returning students to the campus. We are looking forward to the Fall semester, no matter how challenging and unpredictable it may be. As ever, the health and safety of all who study and work here is our highest priority. Over the summer, we have been working on detailed plans forthe measures that we will put in place to minimize the risks to staff […]

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7 lunch spots around UNYP to keep you full all day

Being a student in Prague means that you get to go to school and eat out in one of the world’s greatest cities. Prague’s food scene is of sufficient size, diversity, and quality to satisfy almost anyone – whether you are a UNYP fresher, a graduate working on your Master’s thesis, or applying for jobs. Depending on your mood and timing, you can […]

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UNYP ohlašuje zelené partnerství s Perlegem

Když přijde řeč na boj s klimatickými změnami, okamžitě nás napadnou témata týkající se zákazu spalovacích motorů, nedostatečně využívaných zdrojů obnovitelné energie, recyklace odpadu a pak mnohdy také otázka přehodnocení lidského myšlení a zejména přístupu ke spotřebě a využívání přírodních zdrojů. University of New York in Prague od svých studentů vyžaduje poctivý přístup k recyklaci už […]

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Visit Europe’s finest museums online while preparing for your semester in Prague

The events of this year have changed the plans of millions of Study Abroad students. Although many of you still can’t study or travel abroad due to various restrictions, we have to hold onto some hope that the situation could improve next year. Visiting museums and art galleries during your semester abroad is an essential component of the Study Abroad experience. Even if you generally don’t consider yourself a museum-goer or […]

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5 don’t-miss art shows in Prague for the summer of 2020

As one of the safest countries in the European Union, the Czech Republic is now lifting its lockdown restrictions, and Prague’s museums and art venues are reopening for business. Art provides people with an opportunity to broaden their life perspective; whether you study Finance, Sports Management, or Information Technology, developing your visual and conceptual vocabulary will be useful in any Marketing and Communications related classes and modules. […]

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Sotiris Foutsis to the Class of 2020

On behalf of the University of New York in Prague family, I extend sincere congratulations and best of luck to the Class of 2020! You have been exceptional representatives of the UNYP community, and I am confident that you will continue to serve as valuable ambassadors of our university by building upon our reputation for excellence. […]

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UNYP President’s Message to the Class of 2020

Congratulations, graduates of the University of New York in Prague, class of 2020! Your talent, leadership, and commitment are needed now more than ever, as our global society navigates a new reality. There have been challenging events in modern history that some people thought we could not recover from, but we did. This pandemic is no […]

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Open for business: the 7 best dessert cafes in Prague

From Bachelors to Masters, all students crave sweets once in a while. Of course, we all know that desserts should be consumed in moderation, but as we have previously shared our favorite healthy breakfast and affordable lunch spots around the UNYP campus, we thought that a little indulgence would not hurt. Of course, all of our favorite cafes serve coffee and desserts, but for this list, we wanted to […]

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How to Deal With Cabin Fever

How are you coping with the coronavirus lockdown? Great, isn’t it!? A wonderful time to catch up on chores, backlogged reading and writing assignments, or personal relationships?  No?  You mean you don’t like being sequestered away for weeks or months at a time, under unpleasant circumstances, or even with people you don’t like?  Well…It’s not for everyone. […]

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Rektor UNYP hovoří o přestupu na University of New York in Prague z jiné univerzity

Tisíce ambiciózních českých studentů, kteří sní o studiu v USA, si možná nyní myslí, že jejich plány zničila pandemie. Nic ale není ztraceno. Ačkoli byly těmto studentům přerušeny studijní plány v zahraničí, stále mají příležitost získat autentické americké vzdělání, aniž by museli opustit Českou republiku. Úzká spolupráce mezi University of New York in Prague a State […]

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