Studentský život

Getting over mistakes

In our work, study and personal issues, we must sometimes come to grips with the fact that things do not always go completely to plan. On occasion, our best-laid strategies and intentions lie in tatters before us, perhaps due to circumstances beyond our control, but sometimes because we have simply made a mess of it […]

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Master your diplomacy skills with MUNYP

Last month, the Model United Nations Society At The University of New York in Prague organized a group meeting to discuss the links between capitalism and the global food crisis. MiniMUNYP aims to boost the public speaking, presentation, and argument-forming skills of students at UNYP, using real-world scenarios and problems. By assigning participants a country of their […]

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Best weekend trips outside of Prague

Without a doubt, Prague is the Czech Republic’s top destination for visitors, with its historic sites, world-renowned theatres, diverse cafe culture, and state-of-the-art public transportation system. When choosing Prague for your Study Abroad destination, you probably considered its convenient location and planned out lots of trips to other European capitals. But don’t forget that there are many other cities and towns […]

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10 tipů na získání stáže

Bezpochyby jste již strávili dost času získáváním informací o vysokých školách, abyste si vybrali tu správnou. Nyní je na čase, abyste udělali totéž, než se vyberete stáž. Dobrá stáž vám nejen poskytne vhled do vaší budoucí profese, ale možná díky ní získáte i hlavní pracovní poměr. I když nemáte nikde zaručeno, že poté dostanete práci, společnosti investují do školení svých […]

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Top 5 Outdoor Activities in Prague

You chose an excellent time for your Study Abroad semester in Prague. Spring and summer are coming, so you will get the chance to spend much more time outdoors. You have probably already explored everything around the UNYP campus and are looking forward to exploring the city outside Vinohrady. The weather in Prague has been getting hotter in […]

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Nine new speakers deliver ideas and innovation at TEDxUNYP 2019

Prague’s TEDx enthusiasts and TEDxUNYP supporters had to wait a little longer for this year’s event, but it was worth the wait! Previously held in November of each year, the university TEDx event has now moved to its new mid-March slot for 2019 and all future events. TEDxUNYP 2019 did not disappoint, with nine new speakers – including chemists, […]

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Prague’s best cafes for a healthy egg breakfast

Eggs are among the most nourishing of foods, providing nearly all the vitamins and minerals you need to give your best academic performance. Eating high-protein foods such as eggs for breakfast keeps you feeling full for longer than a bread or cereal breakfast, so you don’t eat so many calories for lunch. According to the 2015-2020 […]

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8 photo tips for your semester in Prague

While studying an entire semester abroad at the University of New York in Prague, you will have many exciting moments, worth remembering. Don’t miss out on good photo opportunities while exploring the city or traveling around Europe for the first time. And don’t worry – it’s not just the Communication and Media students who can take great photos!  […]

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Studenti UNYP vyhráli CFA Research Challenge 2019

Tým našich studentů programu Obchodní administrativa vyhrál české kolo soutěže CFA Institute Investment Challenge. Studenti v týmu byli: Monika Vidličková, Elena Ragozina, Kiko Sugita a Filiberto Cottrer. Soutěž je řízena institutem CFA ve Virginii, jehož posláním je řídit investiční profese podporou nejvyšších etických standardů, vzdělání a profesionální excelence pro konečný prospěch společnosti. Vlajková loď institutu je program […]

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UNYP Hosts Third Model UN for High Schoolers

This month the University of New York in Prague is proud to host the third International High School Model UN conference, organized by the MUNYP student club. MUNYP emerged nine years ago as a platform for students who are passionate about international relations so that they can debate current global issues. Over the years, MUNYP’s members have shown interest […]

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