Studentský život

Mají studenti skutečně prospěch ze studia v zahraničí?

Svět se v důsledku globalizace v posledních několika desetiletí dramaticky změnil a české univerzity se tomuto faktu musely přizpůsobit. Velké množství vysokoškolských institucí v Praze přitahuje studenty z různých zemí – například na UNYP máme studenty z více než 60 zemí a profesory z více než 25 zemí světa. Možná máte pochybnosti o tom, zde je studium […]

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Why play floorball?

Floorball is the biggest indoor sport in the Czech Republic and is becoming more popular all over the world. While the game is similar to ice hockey, floorball players do not require protective gear – the sport has rules limiting contact, and is relatively safe. Floorball is exciting to play and watch, because of the […]

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Things to See and Do around UNYP’s Campus

A former vineyard (this is what “Vinohrady” means in Czech), the Vinohrady district has changed dramatically over the years. The neighborhood was once synonymous with the Prague bourgeoisie, but has become a hub for expats and hipsters and is now one of the most popular places to live and go out. What do you know […]

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Sustainability tips for UNYP students

The quality of life that we experience when living and studying in Prague is fundamental to how we feel about the city – and to how the capital is viewed from the outside. The way we behave in Prague today will directly affect the quality of life of its future generations, and their view of […]

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Five simple recipes for students

Starting university or coming back to the classroom after a summer break? With the help of our personal experience of living and dining in Prague, we’ve assembled this collection of simple recipes for UNYP students that will help them to create a healthier school-week menu and save some money. These five recipes consist of simple ingredients, do […]

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How to live in Prague on a student budget?

Prague is not as pricey comparing to London or New York, but can you live comfortably here on a student budget? The answer is yes, and these tips will help you avoid asking your parents for more pocket money. Please keep in mind that living costs may vary depending on your accommodation choices, lifestyle, and […]

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Northeastern University brings its prestigious program to UNYP

Continuing in its commitment to provide students with a transformative, multicultural, and impactful education, the University of New York in Prague is proud to be partnering with Northeastern University and to launch the Czech Republic program this Fall. Northeastern University is ranked in U.S. News & World Report University Rankings as the 40th best university in the USA and 228th globally.  “We are incredibly proud that such […]

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Beyond the beach: five ideas for self-improvement over the summer

Students of the University of New York in Prague have exactly five weeks until the fall semester begins—and those precious summer days will just fly past if all you do is sleep and party! Here are a few more interesting things that you could try out before having to immerse yourself in your studies again. Take […]

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Slavný český YouTuber o studiu na UNYP

Martin Carev, slavný český influencer a YouTuber, udělal rozhovor s Hospodářskými novinami ohledně jeho rozhodnutí opustit Karlovu univerzitu a připojit se do UNYP komunity. Mluvil o své návštěvě UNYP profesorů a jejich hodin a o tom, jak moc se mu líbí dynamický styl výuky, probírání aktuálních témat a interaktivní hodiny. Martin už také některé studenty a absolventy […]

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Sotiris Foutsis to the Class of 2018

“We Are” has been the motto of 2017/8.  “We are empowered,” “we are leading the change,” “we are up to the challenge,” and this week we are graduates of one of the most prestigious groups of alumni in Europe and the world! This motto though is more than just words to paper.  It is a battle cry, […]

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