Studentský život

Graduation letter from UNYP President to the Class of 2018

Dear Class of 2018, For more than 20 years now, the University of New York in Prague has been a leading institution of its kind in Czech Republic and Central Europe, this year we celebrated these 20 years and today we celebrate your part in the next 20 years of history.  To all of our […]

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UNYP oslavil 20 let ve velkolepém stylu

18. května oslavila University of New York in Prague 20. výročí svého působení, a to v Kongresovém centru Praha v prostorách ZOOM. Tato událost byla vyvrcholením dvaceti let poskytování vynikajícího vzdělání a úspěchu. Akce se zúčastnilo kolem 600 hostů včetně studentů, absolventů, čestných hostů z partnerských univerzit, velvyslanců, diplomatů z celého světa a zástupců českých ministerstev. Akci moderoval jeden […]

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Spring Date Ideas in Prague

“I want to do with you what Spring does with the cherry trees” – Pablo Neruda Spring is blooming as well as love. I think that you must have heard this cliche many times before. Although the connection of love and Spring is a repeatedly discussed topic, we can agree that there must be some […]

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A Vegan Gem in Prague

In a castle far, far away, there is a vegan restaurant on the tallest floor of the tallest tower where people from across the land could dine on veggie burgers and sweet dumplings, all while washing it down with a cold beer. Ok, so maybe it’s not that far, and it probably isn’t in the […]

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Seven steps to realizing your dreams

Have you ever sensed that things are simply not going your way, no matter what you do to make your projects – and your life in general – work as desired?  Are you sometimes at a loss to understand why your efforts come to little effect?  Do you often despair over a feeling that your […]

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UNYP Career Week 2018

The University of New York in Prague will host its annual Career Week on April 9-12. The event is brought to you by the UNYP Career Office, and has become a well-established UNYP tradition. Unlike other job fairs, UNYP Career Week is an interactive event, where students can not only search for jobs and internships, but […]

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High schoolers get a taste of the United Nations at MUNYP Conference

Model United Nations Society (MUNYP) at the University of New York in Prague has emerged as an initiative for creating a platform for young students interested in international relations to discuss global current affairs. Since 2011, our society has grown considerably in size, with students showing dedication, passion and enthusiasm in meetings and their increasing interest […]

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Galavečer k příležitosti 20. výročí UNYP pomáhá jednomu z nás

University of New York in Prague pořádá ke 20. výročí vzniku slavnostní večer pro své studenty, absolventy, přátele a partnery. U příležitosti tohoto výročí se UNYP rozhodl spojit se s jednou z nejrespektovanějších charitativních organizací v České republice, zakladatelem Charty 77 a Kontem Bariéry, ve snaze vrátit UNYP komunitě něco nazpět. Univerzita bude za lístek na slavnostní večer vybírat symbolickou částku […]

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Watch now the videos from TEDxUNYP 2017!

On November 11th, 2017, the University of New York in Prague together with the UNYP Student Council hosted TEDxUNYP 2017. UNYP was proud to welcome 14 prestigious speakers from around the world here on campus, the speakers represented a wide array of industries presenting topics from artificial intelegence to sustainable fashion. If you missed the event […]

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UNYP gives back to children with disabilities

A great education isn’t just about having good teachers. It also means having access to technology that will elevate your learning experience from a very young age. At University of New York in Prague, we’re dedicated to giving back to our educational community. That’s why this month we donated 25 computer monitors to local schools that […]

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