Studentský život

UNYP joins European Youth Parliament CZ

A platform to discuss current issues, a place to find friends for life, the perfect environment to develop yourself and to prepare for your future job and all kinds of life situations – these are just a few ways to describe the European Youth Parliament (EYP). EYP is hard to describe in a single phrase or sentence, […]

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Scenes from Fall Semester, 2017

We’ve made some great memories so far this academic year. We teamed up with Sparta Praha floorball team with an official partnership. We hosted an amazing reunion for our alumni and feature global leaders at TEDxUNYP. We welcomed new students to our campus, won some games with the Blazers, and so much more. Watch our highlights video for […]

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Become an exchange student and study abroad all over the world

Most students who study abroad will tell you that a semester in another country was one of the best decisions they ever made during their time at university. Not only does studying abroad help your educational experience, it also means you’ll be seeing beautiful new places and meeting new friends from all over the world! University of […]

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10 ways to manage successful living

How often have you found that you have 28 hours worth of tasks to accomplish in a day, but only the standard 24 hours available?  Do you sometimes wish there were two of you?  Do you sometimes find yourself „short-changing“ your tasks, putting in only minimal effort just to get them done, even though you […]

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Europe’s best student discounts

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is reason enough to study abroad in Europe. The ISIC card is usually issued with your regular student ID, but it is the only internationally recognized student ID card, which means you get access to 42,000 discounts in 125 different countries. This includes discounts on restaurants, travel, accommodation, entertainment, and much more! […]

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Two UNYPers among European leaders

In October Brussels, the nest of many international and European communities, hosted two University of New York in Prague (UNYP) students, Jakub Malhocký and Daniel Frídel, for the 4th annual Young European Council (YEC). Both students are majoring in the International & Economic Relations program. UNYP takes pride in students’ extracurricular scholarship-related activities thus Jakub and […]

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Jak skloubit práci a magisterské nebo MBA studium

Rozhodli jste se posunout vaši kariéru dál a vrátit se na univerzitu, abyste získali magisterské vzdělání nebo titul MBA? Možná jste právě dokončili bakalářské studium a pokračujete dál, ale přitom si moc dobře uvědomujete, jak důležité je sesbírat i pracovní zkušenosti. Bez ohledu na to, jakou cestu jste zvolili, teď když vám začali přednášky, musíte stihnout odevzdat seminární práce, studovat […]

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Jak se zbavit stesku po domově, když studujete v zahraničí

Ve škole vám schválili účast na studiu v zahraničí, kde se budete učit psychologii, literaturu a obchod. Těšíte se, ale jakmile letadlo přistane a vy se ubytuje na studentských kolejích, najednou vás to zasáhne. Jste smutní a stýská se vám po rodině. Všechno je pro vás v nové zemi zvláštní a začínáte se ptát sami sebe, proč jste se na […]

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Prague for art lovers

Prague is a city full of artists. Although not as well known for its art scene as Paris or London, art lovers who are international students here for a study abroad program will find a vibrant scene for local art. In addition to the more well-known museums and galleries, like the National Gallery, our city […]

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SUNY, Empire State College brings hip-hop to UNYP

In just four decades, hip-hop, formerly the creative expression of black and brown youth from the five boroughs of New York City, has become a global commodity, a universal language and a multi-billion industry. There is not a single place in this world where you can’t find somebody practicing fresh breakdance moves, writing a new […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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