Studentský život

7 Practical Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever been bored?  Have you ever felt as if you were stuck in an excitement “rut” because you believed you were limited in your social skills, or were simply afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone?   Sometimes we all become a bit stressed about where we think we are in terms of being […]

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UNYP hosts most successful Career Week to date!

UNYP has always placed a strong value on the hirability of its graduates. Organizing events like Career Week, as well as suporting our students and alumni in their careers and other related activities to succeed on the job market is one of our key goals. This year, more than 25 Czech companies participated in Career Week, which took place […]

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UNYP Hosts First Model UN for High Schoolers

On April 1, The Model United Nations Society at UNYP was honored to host their very first Model UN conference aimed at high school students and organised by Arina Rossikhin (4th year, IER/BA) and Anastasia Latenkova (4th year, IER). Among the schools participating were Prague British School, International School of Prague, Deutsche Schule Prag and Pražské Humanitní Gymnázium. The day-long event included […]

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A Hipster Guide to Prague

You just arrived in the Golden City for a study abroad semester. You wear skinny jeans and plaid shirts. Maybe some thick-framed glasses. As a newly international student, you don’t know where to go for entertainment, shopping, and just hanging out. If you consider yourself part of the hipster culture, you’ll be happy to know […]

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Why You Should Start Preparing Early for the CFA Research Challenge

It might seem a little early to start thinking about next year’s CFA Institute Research Challenge, but if you’re studying Business Administration or Finance or getting an MBA in Finance and Banking, now is a good time to start planning. The CFA Institute Research Challenge is a global competition where students from universities and colleges all over the world get a chance to […]

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UNYP CAREER WEEK – a path to your career!

University of New York in Prague is organizing our annual Career Week on the 3rd – 6th April 2017. UNYP Career Week contains many events to help our bachelors and even masters students students prepare for their career after finishing their university program or even to find internships during their studies. Career week at UNYP […]

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Výměnný program nabízí jedinečnou příležitost v Malajsii

Tereze Dusíkové, studentce na University of New York in Prague, není cestování cizí. Ještě před tím, než se rozhodla pro výměnný pobyt UNYP v Malajsii, procestovala svět. Studentka Komunikace a masových médií se v zahraničí naučila věci, které skvěle doplnily její znalosti získané na UNYPu. V zimním semestru vyrazila Tereza na Taylor’s University in Selangor, kde studovala Event Management a Design. Od práce s […]

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Meet your new Student Council president

When you’re studying at any university, have you ever stopped and thought who manages the university life for students on campus? At UNYP a big part of that job of the Student Council. Comprised of nine students, the Student Council organizes movie nights, barbecues, and so much more while also acting as the student body’s liaison to […]

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International Students: Recognizing and Maximizing the Opportunities

Sometimes we take the obvious for granted, and fail to appreciate the potential value in things that seem ordinary and commonplace. For example, it may seem obvious that UNYP students are “international students” at an international institution. But what does it mean to be an international student, and how can appreciating this fact provide students […]

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From Prague to Bangkok

When University of New York in Prague student Jakub Slabina first arrived in Bangkok in January 2016, he wasn’t sure what to expect. The International and Economic Relations major had never set foot in Asia. His friends told him that he was going to have a hard time. Jakub was used to studying in Prague. He was […]

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