Studentský život

What to do on a rainy summer day in Prague?

Summer 2021 in Prague has been rainy and stormy. However, there are still a lot of things to do and see when the weather is not cooperating – and if you live near the UNYP Campus in Vinohrady, the choices are almost limitless. Staying at home is always an option, but you should not miss […]

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Renesance pro studentské spolky

Po hektickém akademickém roce, ve kterém se studenti, učitelé i zaměstnanci UNYPu usilovně snažili napodobit běžné činnosti, které udávají život na University of New York in Prague, je čas hledět do budoucnosti s optimismem. Všichni doufáme, že podzim 2021 bude znamenat začátek návratu k naší milované rutině, protože si s sebou přineseme nové zkušenosti ze […]

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A day in the life of a UNYP student

The Spring 2021 semester has just finished, and for the first time in the history of the University of New York in Prague, the entire semester’s study had to take place virtually. Although we are proud of our staff, faculty and students, and the work they did to create a productive virtual academic environment, we […]

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UNYP collaborates with students and partners to launch new TikTok profile

UNYP strives for constant innovation with its marketing activities and promotions, a mindset that is transmitted to students in programs such as Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing or Communication & Media. Staying up-to-date with marketing strategies is a must for survival in a market as competitive as education – what worked a few months ago might […]

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UNYP hosted Career Days 2021

UNYP Career Days 2021 took place from Monday April 19 to Thursday April 22, and was organized as an online event due to the ongoing pandemic situation. The primary purpose of UNYP Career Days is to provide UNYP students and recent graduates with a deeper insight into the recruiting process, tips for how to prepare […]

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Dovednosti, které byste se měli naučit v rámci stáže

Už jsme Vám poradili, kde a jak stáže hledat a jak uspět při pohovorech. To je však pouze začátek. Stáž může poskytnout velmi dobré základy pro Vaši budoucí kariéru, ale může se taky proměnit v naprostou ztrátu času – a to zejména v případech, kdy se nezaměříte na osvojení velmi užitečných dovedností. Věříme, že to není o tom, […]

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5 physical activities to keep yourself fit in Prague

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, it is important to do physical exercise on a regular basis. A healthy body will help you concentrate on your studies and live your best student life. Of course, we could suggest that you go to the gym – but we feel that this is too obvious and […]

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UNYP Student Spotlight: Teri Hodanova

Many young people aspire to become social media influencers, but this career path does not have to stand in the way of your university education. Moreover, if you pick your course carefully, your studies could even help your social media career. Working as a full-time influencer is an entrepreneurial venture, after all – a small […]

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Meal prep tips for students

Being able to go eat physically at a restaurant or a bistro is a luxury nowadays. Due to government restrictions, most eateries have temporarily changed into food delivery service, which might be costly for a student budget. Of course, eating out is one of the pleasures of the Prague experience. There are many hip and trendy restaurants […]

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Where to find internships in Prague

An internship is one of the most productive and beneficial ways in which you can spend your free time while studying at UNYP. A good internship should give you an opportunity to test and develop yourself in a real work environment – you shouldn’t be making coffee for your full-time colleagues, but keep in mind […]

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Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

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