Studium v zahraničí

Skip town this holiday

When you study abroad, there are times when you’ll find yourself opting for a holiday getaway instead of the familiar hometown celebration. Why not? Part of the reason you decided to study in Prague in the first place was to experience rich cultural traditions of other countries. Whether you’re studying Business Adminsitration or Communications & Mass Media, everyone needs […]

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’Tis the season to celebrate in Prague

Before November was over, the garlands were going up and the holiday decorations were appearing in store windows. Sometimes, the best part of studying abroad is witnessing a familiar holiday through a new cultural lens. Here’s a look at some of the best, and most interesting holiday events in Prague.  Christmas Markets By far, the biggest appeal of […]

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Thanksgiving in Prague

Studying abroad doesn’t have to mean missing out on your favorite holidays, and Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to bring together your new friends to share in a traditional feast! Whether you’re looking to recreate your favorite holiday, or you’re just in it for the football and turkey, Prague has everything you need to create […]

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Relaxing Is An Art Form

It is an oft-ignored fact that relaxation, especially in times of stress, is vitally important to your well-being and success. Ideally, you have already learnt to balance your schedule so that you are able to study, partake in an extracurricular activity of your choice and have time to relax. Relaxation in the Czech Republic is taken very […]

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Learning Independence

Much has been written and said on the subject of independence, but it is never as relevant as when it directly affects you.  Starting a university degree is considered, in many cultures, and especially the Western world, to be the first stepping-stone towards the ultimate goal of being independent. You have chosen a path that […]

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Internship Opportunities in Prague

As a diligent university student, we are sure you have already considered the option of applying for an internship during your studies. An internship can be your stepping stone into a full-time position after the successful completion of your studies, and it can teach you the empirical application of the knowledge you gain at university; […]

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Your cultural education: UNESCO sites of the Czech Republic

No matter if you’re studying psychology, international relations or business, your college experience will be inextricably linked to your location. Being a student in Prague is an incredible experience – not everyone can say that their university is located in a building that was built in the early 20th century (or even earlier)! However, in the […]

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Studium s lidmi ze zahraničí

Jaké jsou výhody toho, když budete studovat na univerzitě s lidmi z různých koutů světa? Je jich hned několik, a proto jsme ty nejdůležitější z nich pro vás vyjmenovali. Jednotlivci, kteří jsou kulturně uvědomělí První a asi nejdůležitější je kulturní povědomí. Bývá jednoduché ocitnout se uvězněný v rutině své vlastní kultury plné myšlenek a zvyků, se kterými jste […]

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Prague Off the Beaten Path

Regardless of the degree you’re studying for, you are likely to be in Prague for quite some time.  Prague, undoubtedly one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, offers ample attractions, ranging from the architectural to the theatric. You’ve seen Prague castle, the Astronomical Clock Tower, and taken a leisurely stroll through the Petřín gardens. You may […]

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Cure your FOMO – Rio Olympics are coming to Czech Republic

The Rio Olympics are starting in just over a week and you’re having a pretty serious case of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).  But we come bearing good news to those who chose to study abroad at the University of New York in Prague this summer! Because if you can’t go to Rio, Rio will come to […]

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