Studium v zahraničí

Christmas market tips for UNYP students

The Prague Christmas Markets are a fantastic place for UNYP students to celebrate the end of the exams and the beginning of the winter break, not to mention an excellent spot for last-minute gift shopping for your friends and family. If you embraced the minimalist lifestyle during your semester abroad but still want to surprise your loved ones with […]

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Is Prague a good city to begin your career?

Establishing yourself as a professional as soon as you’ve graduated from university can be a struggle. Your first job can have a long-term impact on your career, so it is crucial to find a position that not only matches your sphere of education, but actually requires you to have a relevant degree. That way, you […]

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Healthy and affordable lunches around the UNYP campus

You may be surprised to learn that lunching out in Prague during the week can be affordable, even on a student budget. In Prague, affordable food isn’t limited to the fast-food chains clustered around IP Pavlova – if you’re smart, you can find all sorts of lunch menus and student discounts. Whether you are a UNYP freshman, […]

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5 of the best: don’t-miss art exhibitions in Prague this winter

Have you been looking from textbook to laptop screen to textbook all day? Do you need a break from homework and revision at the UNYP library? It will do you good to get out, walk around the city and soak up some culture at one of Prague’s many great art shows. There’s something for everyone this […]

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5 of the best: Prague coffee shops where you can get some work done

The midterms are finally behind us, and perhaps you need a change of scenery and some good coffee to keep you motivated through the rest of the semester. UNYP’s new library is convenient, well-stocked and quiet, but some people find that a little background buzz helps us focus.  Luckily, Prague has a great café culture, and some […]

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A student guide to celebrating Halloween in Prague

Halloween is coming up again, and whether you are enrolled in UNYP’s Master’s or Bachelor’s program, we will help you find a way to celebrate it in Prague the way that suits you best. October 31 falls on a Thursday this year, but you don’t have to stay out all night and then shuffle to your Friday lectures like […]

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5 don’t-miss art events in Prague this fall

The fall semester is a great time to begin your Study Abroad experience in Prague. The warm days might be over, but there is still so much to look forward to, as museums and galleries launch major shows, carefully curated over the summer. You have probably noticed the overwhelming variety of cultural events that this city […]

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How to be a good citizen abroad

Over the past few years, we’ve shared many useful tips for students interested in study abroad in Prague. Every semester, we are delighted to welcome a new class of international UNYP students  to the Czech capital, and because of this, we feel responsible for letting you know how you can help keep your Study Abroad destination […]

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8 Icebreakers for UNYP Orientation Day

Starting a major new project isn’t always easy, so your university orientation needs to be a smooth and positive experience. UNYP Orientation Days should be the perfect opportunity for you to learn about your program, the campus, and most importantly, meet your new classmates. It is the first day for everyone, so don’t be shy, make an effort, and […]

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Is studying abroad for you?

Why study abroad in Prague? For many young people, studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to travel overseas for an extended period as part of their education. Relocating to the Czech Republic – or anywhere else – for a semester is an excellent chance to see a new part of the world, experience an unfamiliar culture, and travel, […]

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