Studium v zahraničí

Spring Date Ideas in Prague

“I want to do with you what Spring does with the cherry trees” – Pablo Neruda Spring is blooming as well as love. I think that you must have heard this cliche many times before. Although the connection of love and Spring is a repeatedly discussed topic, we can agree that there must be some […]

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A Vegan Gem in Prague

In a castle far, far away, there is a vegan restaurant on the tallest floor of the tallest tower where people from across the land could dine on veggie burgers and sweet dumplings, all while washing it down with a cold beer. Ok, so maybe it’s not that far, and it probably isn’t in the […]

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How to Get to Bohemian Switzerland

Are you living in or traveling to Prague? Do you love mountains, nature, and are ready for a breathtaking adventure in the Northern Czech countryside? Do I have the day trip for you. Let me show you Bohemian Switzerland. Now that I’ve convinced you; let me show you how I got there. You can take […]

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TripAdvisor names Prague seventh best destination

Prague is already considered a great city for expatriates and international students studying abroad. Now, it’s getting more recognition for tourism. This year, it climbed TripAdvisor’s list of best destinations by two spots compared to 2017, beating New York, Istanbul, and Marrakech. Although many of the Prague’s famous sites are under reconstruction, we couldn’t help but agree with their selection. Prague […]

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Become an exchange student and study abroad all over the world

Most students who study abroad will tell you that a semester in another country was one of the best decisions they ever made during their time at university. Not only does studying abroad help your educational experience, it also means you’ll be seeing beautiful new places and meeting new friends from all over the world! University of […]

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Europe’s best student discounts

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is reason enough to study abroad in Europe. The ISIC card is usually issued with your regular student ID, but it is the only internationally recognized student ID card, which means you get access to 42,000 discounts in 125 different countries. This includes discounts on restaurants, travel, accommodation, entertainment, and much more! […]

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Jak se zbavit stesku po domově, když studujete v zahraničí

Ve škole vám schválili účast na studiu v zahraničí, kde se budete učit psychologii, literaturu a obchod. Těšíte se, ale jakmile letadlo přistane a vy se ubytuje na studentských kolejích, najednou vás to zasáhne. Jste smutní a stýská se vám po rodině. Všechno je pro vás v nové zemi zvláštní a začínáte se ptát sami sebe, proč jste se na […]

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Prague for art lovers

Prague is a city full of artists. Although not as well known for its art scene as Paris or London, art lovers who are international students here for a study abroad program will find a vibrant scene for local art. In addition to the more well-known museums and galleries, like the National Gallery, our city […]

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How to do Signal Festival

Summer and all its free festivals and activities is over. But before the snow starts falling, we get one very special festival to welcome the winter: Signal Festival. This festival of lights is a full-scale event that integrates art and technology into Prague’s urban landscape. Even if you don’t feel like exploring the city, one of the […]

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Three ways studying abroad can help promote world peace

You might not know it, but 21 September is known as International Peace Day. The day was first celebrated in 1982, and is meant to promote the concept of peace throughout the world. Many countries and organizations, including the United Nations, observe this day. You don’t have to study Intercultural Communication or International and Economic Relations to contribute to world […]

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