Revising for your finals in quarantine

The entire community of the University of New York in Prague has been homebound for weeks due to the Covid-19 quarantine. Our students, faculty and staff have put a lot of energy and resources into the transition to virtual learning, teaching and operations, and slowly but surely, we have reached the end of this unusual Spring semester. With finals around the corner and the continuing state of global uncertainty, […]

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Virtual Open Days at UNYP – Don’t miss getting an American university degree in Prague!

All over the world, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education communities to promptly transition to a virtual model of instruction and operation. It seems that we are entering a new chapter in the history of education, with instructors and students being pushed to integrate technology more than ever. The move to online has also affected […]

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Avoiding burnout during the coronavirus quarantine

The new coronavirus has interrupted the world’s usual flow of activity. Prague’s universities, schools, shopping centers, cultural and entertainment venues must remain closed until the end of the Czech national quarantine. Our city’s landmarks and streets are empty. UNYP students and professors are continuing the spring semester online. All UNYP departments are now operating from home office. Studying or working […]

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UNYP’s response to COVID-19 and available resources

The University of New York in Prague remains fully operational with appropriate measures to protect the health of our students, faculty, and staff. The university management is in contact with the Czech government and health care leaders, and continues to take all available data and information into consideration. We are updating the UNYP community regularly and will keep you informed of any additional actions. […]

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Online learning at UNYP during the COVID-19 outbreak

As you probably know, universities in many countries have taken the decision to shift as much tuition as possible from in-person to remote instruction due to the new coronavirus outbreak. The Czech government has taken precautionary measures to stem the possibility of COVID-19 transmission in public places. As a result, all UNYP courses in the full-time bachelor’s programs will move to remote instruction beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. Due to uncertainty related […]

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5 reasons to attend an education fair

The University of New York in Prague participates in numerous local and international higher education fairs throughout the year. If you are thinking of continuing your education after high school, visiting an education fair is highly recommended. University websites and open days are always useful, but if you go to an education fair such as Gaudeamus or  Kam […]

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Pět důvodů, proč při studiu na UNYPu zvážit pracovní zkušenost v rámci stáže

I když můžete mít zcela jasnou vizi o tom, kam by měla po dokončení bakalářského studia Vaše kariéra směřovat, výběr vhodné stáže při studiu na UNYPu může být i přes to velmi dobrou volbou. Praha sice zůstává pro studenty z pohledu zaměstnanosti a nabídky volných míst přívětivým místem, konkurence se však neustále zvyšuje a získané pracovní zkušenosti vedle získaného diplomu na životopisu vyniknou […]

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Five ways to get out of a slump and boost your creativity

Usually, you are a brilliant sort who can come up with solid ideas just by willing them into existence.  Normally, you are a font of creativity, with the gift of awe-inspiring insight and seminal thinking, and a well-earned reputation as the go-to problem-solver.  You are never at a loss for words, and you never lose […]

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Fighting Procrastination

We’ve all been there: a late night with coffee in hand, furiously typing and trying to make sense of an assignment that is due the next morning. We had a week to do this work! Why did we put it off to the last minute? The answer to that question is simple. We’re human. This […]

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Professor Spotlight: Dr. Aaron Johnson

The University of New York in Prague is home to over 120 faculty members, who are known for their teaching excellence in an array of subjects including business, international relations, psychology, law, marketing, communications, and IT management. UNYP professors are engaged in collaborative projects all over the world, and active in more than 30 countries. The instructors […]

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