The University of New York in Prague forms a partnership with Dublin Business School to bring new Master degrees to UNYP

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) proudly announces a new agreement with Dublin Business School (DBS) to bring new post-graduate degrees to Prague. This is a result of a continuous effort to expand the offer of Master degrees in Prague and within the UNYP community. All degrees will be submitted to Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) […]

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UNYP Signs MOU on Students Exchange with The American University in Iraq – Baghdad

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) signed a memorandum of understanding with the American University of Iraq – Baghdad (AUIB), on the students exchange program, in addition to double degree agreements, students transfer, faculty exchange, and joint research. This agreement paves the way for UNYP students to participate in joint classes, research projects, study abroad programs. […]

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UNYP hosted a fourth public webinar on Women in Business

On Tuesday, November 2nd, the University of New York in Prague held its fourth public webinar. This time, UNYP has chosen a hybrid system, when there were guests physically at the seminar, as well as online on the ZOOM platform. The webinar focused on an important topic of Women in Business. This event was hosted by Dimana Mabhena, […]

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Looking back at TEDxUNYP 2021

UNYP is honored to bring TEDxUNYP events every year. This year, we made a big leap forward in all aspects. The TEDxUNYP team felt that this year’s event needed to exceed all expectations because we had to wait 2 years years to host it due to the pandemic.   Mark Anderson, the TEDxUNYP organizer and licensee […]

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Reflection on Human Rights

Human rights are under threat around the world. In the modern era, when we have an increasing level of average health, prosperity and education worldwide, why are human rights still under-protected? There is a tendency to see opportunity as a limited supply, rather than an equation where we can enlarge the pie of resources that we have to […]

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Dealing with Power Plays

All of us are sometimes the target of frustrating and unfair communicative strategies in our personal and organizational lives. These are often power games, taking the shape of patterns of communication and behavior into which we repeatedly, sometimes unconsciously and sometimes purposefully, find ourselves involved in. They are often not just isolated, random events. The […]

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An interview with a Study Abroad student in Prague

This semester, UNYP was happy to welcome almost 40 visiting students. We love to welcome visiting students to our campus, and to make new friends from all over the world. Over the last two semesters, our students have even created an International Friends Club, where they make sure that our visiting students feel welcomed and integrated […]

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The Joy of Being Back in the Classroom

For many of us, this semester will be remembered as the semester in which we return to the classroom, after the interlude caused by the COVID alert that forced us to teach our courses using internet-based technologies. I cannot express my joy of being back in a classroom in front of our students. I share […]

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Five Tips on How to Return to “Normal” and Avoid Post-Pandemic Anxiety

Well, it’s been a long year and a half, and it would appear that we are finally (if slowly) emerging from the worst of the pandemic era. The education system seems to be trying to re-establish itself with more structure than we have seen since early 2020, and the promise of actually being able to […]

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Apply for UNYP Student Council!

The Student Council of the University of New York in Prague is an independent student-led organization. They are here to represent the interests of the student body in student and university affairs. They make sure all students are feeling welcomed at UNYP and it is their responsibility to manage student-related issues such as organizing social […]

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ID no: 25676598
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