How to study abroad in Prague in 2021

If you were planning to start your degree abroad this fall, there’s a fair chance that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed your plans. Or maybe you’re thinking about higher education opportunities for the coming year, and you’re unsure whether it’s still a reasonable idea to study in Prague or not. We are getting many questions from young […]

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6 things you can do to help recover from the trauma of the coronavirus

Some months ago, we shared some tips on dealing with the tribulations of the ongoing coronavirus phenomenon. At that time we were in the midst of not only the potential dangers of the pandemic itself, but also the stresses of multiple uncertainties – not only the possible sequelae of the disease itself, but also myriad […]

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UNYP brings three new American degrees to Prague

Next year the University of New York in Prague will launch three new academic programs in Child Development, Political Science, and Digital Media Arts, within the schools of Psychology, International Relations, and Communication and Media respectively.  UNYP’s student body continues to grow with the addition of new programs year after year Just in time for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle, UNYP is set to open up three new American bachelor’s degree programs in partnership […]

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How social media changes our perception of reality

Lona Moutafidou teaches the courses “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” and “Trauma Narratives” at UNYP. Lacan’s mirror stage theory, briefly discussed in this article, forms part of the theoretical components of the “Poetry and Psychoanalysis” syllabus. How does an ancient philosophical allegory intersect with a psychoanalytic concept from the 1960s? How could this inform social media usage? […]

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How your online persona can help you to secure a job after graduating from UNYP

These days, all hiring managers look at the social profiles of candidates before making hiring decisions – but they aren’t just looking for obvious cases of bad behavior! In addition, they want to make sure that what they find online reflects well on the candidate as a potential employee. You need to stand out on […]

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A short commentary on the U.S. presidential election

However interesting the 2016 U.S. presidential election was, this year’s match between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has already, to coin a phrase, trumped it. In this short commentary, I will highlight two things that have, in my opinion, been discussed less than they would deserve, at least on this side of the Atlantic. Firstly, […]

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“Junior Achievement catches up on what schools have neglected.”

The University of New York in Prague has long been committed to educating young people to compete in the global economy. For this reason, we are proud to be affiliated with Junior Achievement in the Czech Republic, one of the largest Czech organizations that helps train young people for fiscal responsibility and entrepreneurship. As UNYP enters […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Ongoing Moment by Geoff Dyer

As we finish the month of December and reflect upon the events of this challenging year, we thought this book would be an excellent pick for our Perlego Book of the Month feature; not only for its quiet meditative tone and philosophical nature but also because some of the photographs discussed by Geoff Dyer were taken during the Great Depression and the Second World War, in times […]

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Participate in UNYP’s Winter Instagram competition!

Win an iPad Air UNYP’s Instagram competition! It’s time to get creative! Let’s spread some joy and winter holiday spirit among the UNYP community! Participate in our Instagram competition for a chance to win an iPad Air (2019). This Competition is open to everyone! For every entry, UNYP will donate 100Kč to Dětský domov Dolní Počernice.   […]

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What is the future of the MBA?

We want to look forward to a future without Covid-19, but we know that we are only just starting to grasp the long-term impact that this year of disruption is having on education systems worldwide. Business schools face great uncertainty as government anti-pandemic measures threaten to reset national economies to the pre-globalization era, which means that MBA students may find themselves reading information that has nothing to do with the current reality – some textbooks have become […]

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