Win CZK 25,000 for your prom!

Prom is an unforgettable experience that you do not want to miss. Tests come and go, but memories like this last forever!  We all know that proms can be expensive, especially once you add up all the little details. This is why the University of New York in Prague wants to contribute CZK 25,000 (960 […]

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TEDxUNYP 2020 will be bigger and better than ever

TEDxUNYP is just around the corner, and this year could not be more exciting!  Our TEDxUNYP community is growing, and this year’s event will be the biggest and best yet. We will have a new venue, larger audiences, TED Circles, new swag and much more!  This July, TEDxUNYP went to Edinburgh, Scotland for the official TED […]

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UNYP announces new partnership with Junior Achievement CR

The University of New York in Prague has always been committed to preparing young people to succeed in a global economy, and this commitment is now taking on an extra dimension as UNYP enters into a brand-new partnership with Junior Achievement in the Czech Republic. “We are proud to be aligned with Junior Achievement in […]

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How to be a good citizen abroad

Over the past few years, we’ve shared many useful tips for students interested in study abroad in Prague. Every semester, we are delighted to welcome a new class of international UNYP students  to the Czech capital, and because of this, we feel responsible for letting you know how you can help keep your Study Abroad destination […]

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Career options in Sport Management

Behind every sports tournament and championship, whether local or worldwide, you will find skilled management professionals hard at work. Athletes are the stars and the face of sports organizations, but it is the managers behind the scenes who keep sports running as a viable business. Most people think about the sports industry in terms of […]

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8 Icebreakers for UNYP Orientation Day

Starting a major new project isn’t always easy, so your university orientation needs to be a smooth and positive experience. UNYP Orientation Days should be the perfect opportunity for you to learn about your program, the campus, and most importantly, meet your new classmates. It is the first day for everyone, so don’t be shy, make an effort, and […]

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Is studying abroad for you?

Why study abroad in Prague? For many young people, studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to travel overseas for an extended period as part of their education. Relocating to the Czech Republic – or anywhere else – for a semester is an excellent chance to see a new part of the world, experience an unfamiliar culture, and travel, […]

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5 reasons to join the UNYP Blazers

You can’t dispute that regular physical activity helps contribute to healthier lives – but did you know that there are a lot of other benefits to participating in university sports? The University of New York in Prague is home to the UNYP Blazers. We represent our university by participating in sporting activities, primarily Football and Floorball.   At UNYP, we […]

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How should you choose a major?

Although you probably already know that you want to continue your education after graduating from high school, you must still make one final important decision, and choose your major. With so many options available in Prague, it can be hard to narrow down the academic field that you want to study. This choice is easy […]

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The Czech Republic – the 10th safest country in the world!

You may not have thought about this before, but your personal safety should be one of the top factors to consider when looking for your Study Abroad destination. The knowledge that you are studying in a safe destination will help persuade your parents to get on board with this idea, and this sense of security will also […]

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