A Student’s Guide to Classical Music in Prague

Although many students choose Prague as their study abroad destination for the stunning architecture, fascinating history, and affordable lifestyle, not all of them realize that the Czech capital is also a fantastic destination for music and theater aficionados. Whether you’re studying Business  Administration or IT Management, live theater and music performances can feed your emotional intelligence and help you exercise […]

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A Student’s Guide to Prague Public Transport

Prague awaits! From magnificent architecture through characterful local districts to tasty local food, there is so much waiting for you to enjoy. However, before beginning your journey, remember this is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, not just a vacation. While studying abroad, you will interact with your surroundings far more deeply […]

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Why physical punishment does not work

In the Czech Republic, the tolerance for physical punishment is generally high. The Czech courts usually do not punish parents who are physically abusing children. The only meaningful solution is zero tolerance. Clinical psychologist and UNYP professor Radek Ptáček was interviewed by Týden magazine about physical punishment and its result. According to him, physical punishment does not work. […]

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Solving global problems with a degree in International Relations

The world events of the past few years have shown us that there is a strong need for a broader international perspective on global development, in order to help us better understand humanity’s prospects for the future. Obtaining a degree in International Relations could be your key to personally making our rapidly changing globalized world a better […]

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The value of earning an American degree in Prague

When I’m speaking about what I do, I’m often simply asked “What’s the value of the SUNY Empire State College degree in Prague (or any location outside the United States)”?  Why would any student want to commit to all that work and a longer completion time? The SUNY ESC degree takes four years instead of the three […]

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Unique Czech Christmas gifts for your family

Can you believe that the semester is almost over?! Are you going home for the winter break, or expecting your family to visit you in the Czech Republic? Either way, it might be a good idea to grab a few local souvenirs for your parents, relatives and close friends, especially if they haven’t been to […]

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Students switch off to switch on

I see it over and over again – my students showing up to class in the middle of a personal crisis. Granted, I teach freshmen, so perhaps that should be no surprise. The stress and drama of adjusting to university, compounded by a seemingly chaotic world, without boundaries, defined by an amorphously digital existence – […]

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Why Play Football at UNYP?

Your university years are not just for acquiring academic knowledge, but for developing new personal qualities and abilities to make the most of your character and interests. The University of New York in Prague offers a range of activities both within and outside the academic programs in order to maximize the development of student talent. […]

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Public vs private: research reveals attitudes towards education

According to the latest survey by STEM/MARK, younger Czechs think better of private schools than the older generations. 2 in 3 respondents between age 15 and 29 appreciate a more individual approach and more than three fourths agree that studying in English gives them an advantage when searching for a job after graduation. Almost 4 in […]

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Islamophobia in Europe: is the media to blame?

A recently published report by the Pew Research Center documents vast differences across Europe in public attitudes toward Muslims. It is interesting that the proportion of citizens of Central and Eastern European countries who say that they would be willing to accept Muslims as members of their family is considerably lower than in Western Europe. A similar […]

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Email: unyp@unyp.cz

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