Petr Fanta

Petr Fanta

Petr Fanta graduated at University of Economics in Prague in 1998. He has started his working career as a project analyst in an international company working on large outsourcing projects. Later he worked on managerial positions in both business and public administration to start his career as an independent project manager and evaluator in 2005 when he finished his PhD studies. After having some guest lectures at universities, he started his academic career at Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies at the Czech Technical University in 2015. Petr's specialization is project management and regional policy where he can make use of his working experience and business consultancy. Petr is still active as a researcher and project manager in both domestic and international projects. He participaded as an evaluator and manager in tens of projects focused on evaluation of public expenditure programs and projects. Nowadays, Petr teaches at the Czech Technical University, New York University in Prague and 2 MBA programmes where he specializes on risk management.

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