Having difficulties in choosing what to study at university? Not sure which would be better for you? No problem, come for a visit and meet our admissions team, our students or even our faculty and academic advisors. They are always happy to meet with new students and help them make choices that will be best for their future. We are also very proud of our new campus and our student residences and it makes us happy to show them to you!
Call us on +420 224 221 261 or email us on admissions@unyp.cz and we will be very happy to make arrangements.
We host regular Open Days – check our Open Days Calendar to see when the next one is coming up.
The e-mail address you provide will be used only to send you the newsletter. Your privacy is important to us.
University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha
ID no: 25676598
+420 224 221 261
Email: unyp@unyp.cz