Visa and Residence

As an international student, you must follow the official procedures regarding your visas and residence permit in the Czech Republic.

To stay in the Czech Republic legally as a student, you need to:

  1. Either register your visa/residence address to the Czech Foreign Police within 3 days of your arrival (if you hold long-term visa) to the Czech Republic OR arrange an appointment for giving your biometric data at the Immigration Office (if you were granted a long-term residence permit).
  2. Report any changes such as change of address, change of passport, loss of your visa or biometric ID card within 3 working days (change of passport, visa loss) or within 30 days (change of address).
  3. Apply for extension of your current long-stay visa/long-term residence permit regularly.

Warning: You cannot apply for extension more than 4 months before your current visa/permit expires and later than the last working day of its validity!

Please note that we are required by law to inform the Ministry of the Interior of your active/inactive student status.

Useful contacts:

  • Foreign Police Headquaters (Cizinecká policie) at Olšanská 2, 130 51 Praha 3
    • Their opening hours are 8-17 on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8-15 on Tuesdays and Thursday and 8-12 on Fridays
  • Immigration Office of the Ministry of Interior (OAMP — For International Students)
    • You can visit this office only by a prior reserved appointment. The appointment can by made by phone (+420 974 801 801) or scheduled online (first you have to register and create an account, then book appointment).
  • Detailed information can be found on the Czech Interior Ministry website.

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261

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