AI and Academic Integrity: How UNYP Embraces the Future of Learning

As artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more sophisticated, universities worldwide are grappling with integrating this technology into their classrooms, especially in subjects like English composition and academic writing. The fear of students overusing AI for assignments is noticeable, with many institutions implementing strict policies to curb its influence. However, the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) approach is refreshingly different. 

Instead of viewing AI as a threat, the English composition and academic writing faculty at UNYP embrace AI as a powerful learning tool. Lecturers actively encourage their students to use AI tools for resource mapping and gathering reading lists. The goal is for students to use AI to enhance their research skills, rather than bypass the learning process. 

To further empower their students, lecturers at UNYP have been transparent about the responsible use of AI, prompting students to consider the balance between leveraging technology and maintaining academic integrity. Faculty members asked students to provide their opinions on strategies to avoid plagiarism while using AI tools. The results are promising: 70% of students expressed confidence that the strategies employed by their lecturers effectively reduce plagiarism and cheating, while still enabling them to harness AI for resource mapping using AI-assisted search engines. 

At UNYP, the focus is on cultivating critical thinkers who can effectively use all tools—AI included—responsibly and ethically. By welcoming the use of AI in a structured and pedagogically sound way, UNYP ensures that students are equipped to thrive in an evolving academic and professional landscape where technology is here to stay.

Written by Lilian Isperdon

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University of New York in Prague
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ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261

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