Scientific Article from UNYP Bachelor Thesis on AI in Recruitment Processes was downloaded more than 13,425 times

We are excited to share that a research article based on the Bachelor Thesis of Zuzana Sýkorová has been published by the University of New York in Prague (UNYP) research team. Titled “Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Recruitment Processes: Ethical Considerations,” the article is now available as open-access on the Emerald Publisher website in the Vilakshan – XIMB Journal of Management. You can read it here.

Co-authored by Zuzana Sýkorová, Dana Hague, Ondřej Dvouletý, and David Anthony Procházka, the study focuses on the ethical challenges of using AI in recruitment. It provides practical insights for recruiters navigating the complexities of AI-based hiring. Conducted in the Czech Republic during Autumn 2023, the research used interviews with four experienced recruiters. The study revealed that while tools like chatbots may assist with initial candidate screening, human judgment remains essential in final hiring decisions. It also highlighted concerns around privacy, data protection, and compliance with GDPR regulations.

Since its publication in 2024, the article has been downloaded 13,425 times, reflecting strong interest from both academic and professional communities. This achievement underscores UNYP’s commitment to exploring emerging trends, sharing knowledge with students, and fostering collaboration among students, faculty, and the research team.

Reference and link:

Sýkorová, Z., Hague, D., Dvouletý, O., & Procházka, D. A. (2024). Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into recruitment processes: ethical considerations. Vilakshan-XIMB Journal of Management, 21(2), 293-307.

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