UNYP SC Organized the first Club Fair in 2022

On Friday, February 4th a Club Fair took place in the UNYP Auditorium. This was an event organized by the Student Council and their Clubs Coordinator specifically for students to meet and talk to club representatives and sign up for clubs and teams. Students also received information about how to create a new club about upcoming events organized by the clubs, such as workshops, gatherings, and information about football and floorball trainings.

Some of the clubs present at the fair were: International Friends Club, UNYP Psychology club, Literature club, Blazers All Stars, Creativity Club, Finance Club, UNYP Blazers, and UNYP Model of United Nations.

For those who could not attend and wish to find out more, please see information on clubs and contact information for their representatives on the UNYP website.

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