Student Codes


In any university program, academic integrity is paramount. Cheating, plagiarism, forgery, or fabrication of data or information are serious violations of the standards of integrity expected from students, and may affect continued participation in the program.

All students at UNYP are expected to act in accordance with the academic rules and regulations listed below. Students who violate the Academic Honesty Policy will face serious penalties, including possible dismissal from UNYP.

If you have questions about any aspect of this policy, please see a Dean of School or academic advisor.


The UNYP community expects that students will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on any assessed (graded) work, nor seek an unfair academic advantage for themselves or other students, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Examples of unauthorized aid and unfair academic advantage include cheating, plagiarism, submitting purchased essays, dishonest conduct, and unauthorized collaboration, among other things.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

· Copying, in whole or part, someone else’s essay, assignment, paper and/or project.

· Copying material from the Internet without making the proper references.

· Repeating passages from books or other texts without including the proper references, citations and/or quotation marks.

· Copying material from any source and passing it off as one’s own work.

Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas, opinions and knowledge from information derived from other sources. The term «sources» includes not only published primary and secondary material (including material from the Internet), but also information and opinions gained directly from other people.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

· Unauthorized use of notes, text or other aids during a test or on any assessed work.

· A student uses some sort of “cheat sheet” (tahák, in Czech) or some other form of printed material to assist him/her in writing answers to a test.

· During a test, a student copies answers from another student’s test.

· During a test, a student willingly provides another student with answers to the test: verbal, written form, and/or hand signals.

· A student provides other students with advance copies of test questions before the test is administered to those other students.

· A student intimidates a fellow student to get answers to test questions before or during a test.

· A student uses a mobile phone to communicate any information during an examination period (including but not limited to the use of SMS messages).


Mature, responsible, and professional behavior is expected of students in dealings with other students, instructors, staff, and other members of the UNYP community; and in contacts with external people or organizations while acting as a UNYP student (e.g., completing assignments, attending course activities, etc.).

UNYP staff and teachers should report any incident where a student’s behavior violates school policy to the Rector, using the Report of Disciplinary/Conduct Problems form.

Violations of conduct rules may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension or dismissal from UNYP.

Conduct Rules

Violent acts, threatening statements, disruptive behavior, and abusive or disrespectful language or behavior will not be tolerated.

Harassment of any sort (including sexual, racial, national origin, or religious harassment) is not tolerated, and may result in dismissal from the university. If you experience harassment, contact the UNYP Affirmative Action Officer.

Smoking is not allowed inside any building operated by UNYP.

Alcohol, illegal drugs, and dangerous substances are not permitted in UNYP buildings, nor may students attend UNYP classes or events under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Students are responsible for their personal belongings, which should not be left unattended. Any items found at UNYP should be given to the Receptionist at Londýnská 41 or Belgická 40 immediately. UNYP is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings.

Students are responsible for any damage they cause, directly or indirectly, to UNYP.

The students are obliged to notify UNYP staff or teachers of any health damage (even minor injuries) that may occur in UNYP facilities or at events organized by UNYP.



One of the basic responsibilities of all universities and their establishments is to ensure safety and health of all persons present in their premises and/or persons carrying out activities guided by the university’s authorities.


The students are obliged to protect their health and the health of others who may be affected by their behavior. The students must also behave so as to avoid damage to their health or the health of others. They are obliged to observe the principles of safe behavior in the university building. This means, in particular, to be careful when walking and avoid running the stairs and running in the corridors. To avoid injury, students are required to behave carefully when manipulating and carrying objects.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol and other addictive substances in the university building, as well as to enter the classes and visit events organized by the university, when being under the influence of such substances.

The students may not enter the technical workplaces of the university – the switchboard, the heat exchange station, the air-conditioning machine room etc.

The students are obliged to follow all the commands and prohibitions given by their teachers and university staff; in particular, to respect and comply with safety and fire tables.

The students are forbidden to behave so as to cause damage to health and property. It is prohibited to bring any weapons, ammunition and explosives into the university building and to the events organized by the university.

The students are obliged to notify their teachers of any health damage (even minor injuries) that may occur in the classroom or at the events organized by the university.

Machines, equipment, furniture and all electrical appliances may only be used in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and local regulations. If the manual instructs using personal protective devices, they must be used.

The students are obliged to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the university building. To prevent possible falls of persons and avoid obstructing the passage to the communication, the students must not, especially in corridors and stairways, block escape routes, access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and electric switchboards. In addition, students may not use unauthorized electrical and heating appliances in the university building.

The students may not intentionally interfere with electrical appliances and other technical equipment, including gas appliances, unless given a direct order from the teacher.

When handling dangerous chemical substances and preparations, it is necessary to behave with caution and follow the directions provided on the package. Furthermore, it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke when dealing with chemicals and preparations, as well as to manipulate a naked flame when dealing with flammable and combustible substances. Cleaning products must be stored in designated areas and spare containers must bear a label with contents.


Everyone is obliged to behave so as not to cause a fire, endanger the life and health of people, animals and property, or the environment. Everyone is obliged to manipulate thermal, electrical, gas and other appliances with care. In addition, increased caution must be paid to the storage and handling of flammable and combustible substances and activities with a naked flame.

When fighting with a fire and other accidents, everyone is obliged to provide personal or material help to the fire brigade, unless prevented from doing so by serious circumstances. Everyone is also obliged to fulfill orders and comply with prohibitions on designated places, particularly smoking bans and manipulation with a naked flame. Students may not carry out activities that may cause a fire. Furthermore, it is prohibited to misuse and damage fire protection equipment – fire extinguishers and hydrants. Increased caution must be paid to handling a naked flame. It is forbidden to dry clothes and other material on the heaters. Everyone is obliged to comply with the smoke alarm regulations, evacuation plan and other organizational directives of the university.


In case of fire, everyone is obliged to inform all persons who might be endangered by a fire by calling “FIRE”. They must, if possible, extinguish the initial fire by themselves; remove flammable or other dangerous substances from its proximity.

In case of a fire alarm, all persons must leave the affected area immediately. When leaving the rooms, it is necessary to remain calm and level-headed; to cautiously use the stairs, in no case use the lift. The lift is not designed to be used as the means of evacuation of people.

The fire brigade must be called as soon as possible on the telephone number 150 or 112. It is also necessary to inform the Fire Call Centre immediately (university reception tel.: 224 216 661).

The use of portable fire extinguishers:

Before using the fire extinguisher it is important to realize whether there is a danger of an electric shock at its use. It is strictly forbidden to extinguish electrical devices with water or water extinguishers. Powder fire extinguishers or CO2 extinguishers are used basically for all types of fire, including electrical equipment; CO2 extinguishers are also used to extinguish paper and other solids. In any case, when using fire extinguishers, it is necessary to follow the instructions provided on every fire extinguisher.

Knowledge of work safety and fire protection will be to your benefit not only during your studies but especially in later life, in order to protect your life and health, as well as lives and health of others.

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261

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