After TEDxUNYP: Jason Nam (CEO, Design Disco)

During the past five years, TEDxUNYP has curated and produced over 40 excellent TEDx talks, with some reaching over 1 million. In anticipation of our next TEDxUNYP event, which will happen on November 21st, we have decided to launch a series of interviews with TEDxUNYP speakers to find out how this experience has impacted their careers and […]

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5 Ways to Manage Your Coronavirus Anxieties

Well, by now I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Coronavirus (it was in all the newspapers!) In fact, I doubt that any other topic in recent memory has captured the attention of the world’s peoples in such a universal and negative manner. In the minds of most people, the news coming from almost all […]

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Letter from UNYP General Manager to our community

Dear UNYP community,  As of today, the Prague Center for Disease Control and Prevention has published decree no. 12/2020, making an official announcement about the compulsory transition of all of Prague’s higher education institutions to distance learning. With sincere regret, we must inform you that from Monday, September 21st, all UNYP classes will be held online until further notice of the relaxation of government restrictions.  We would […]

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How can Perlego help us get through this semester of uncertainty?

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic – with its significant economic and public health effects, global instability and border closures – the management and faculty of the University of New York in Prague are preparing to face the enormous challenges and uncertainty that the Fall 2020 semester will bring. It isparticularly challenging to forecast the progress of the virus; we need to monitor the situation and be ready for […]

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UNYP prepares a high-tech flexible learning environment and other anti-COVID 19 measures to welcome back students in September

This week, UNYP will be welcoming our new and returning students to the campus. We are looking forward to the Fall semester, no matter how challenging and unpredictable it may be. As ever, the health and safety of all who study and work here is our highest priority. Over the summer, we have been working on detailed plans forthe measures that we will put in place to minimize the risks to staff […]

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UNYP prepares a high-tech flexible learning environment and other anti-COVID 19 measures to welcome back students in September.

This week, UNYP will be welcoming our new and returning students to the campus. We are looking forward to the Fall semester, no matter how challenging and unpredictable it may be. As ever, the health and safety of all who study and work here is our highest priority. Over the summer, we have been working on detailed plans forthe measures that we will put in place to minimize the risks to staff […]

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7 lunch spots around UNYP to keep you full all day

Being a student in Prague means that you get to go to school and eat out in one of the world’s greatest cities. Prague’s food scene is of sufficient size, diversity, and quality to satisfy almost anyone – whether you are a UNYP fresher, a graduate working on your Master’s thesis, or applying for jobs. Depending on your mood and timing, you can […]

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UNYP goes greener with Perlego

When it comes to fighting climate change, we immediately think of bans on gasoline-powered cars, making tech giants use renewable energy to power their data centers, recycling waste, and generally rethinking humanity’s approach to using natural recourses. Since 2008, the University of New York in Prague has had a recycling policy in place, working with a recycling company and placing recycling bins for paper and plasticsthroughout the campus. In […]

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Visit Europe’s finest museums online while preparing for your semester in Prague

The events of this year have changed the plans of millions of Study Abroad students. Although many of you still can’t study or travel abroad due to various restrictions, we have to hold onto some hope that the situation could improve next year. Visiting museums and art galleries during your semester abroad is an essential component of the Study Abroad experience. Even if you generally don’t consider yourself a museum-goer or […]

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Unyp brings textbooks online with a new Perlego deal

University students worldwide spend a lot of money on textbooks – often textbooks that they only need for part of a program. Printed textbooks tend to be expensive, straining a student’s limited budget, and it is not always possible to buy second-hand textbooks or borrow them from the library, which might push some students to search for illegal and sometimes incomplete copies online. Restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic […]

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