How can your university prepare you for future employment?

We often hear business leaders and analytics express disappointment about the unfortunate gap between what students learn at higher education establishments and what they are expected to know to be job-ready. In an age of unpredictable changes and constant evolution in the job market, it is hard to argue that the traditional knowledge acquired during […]

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UNYP expands MBA program to Slovenia with a new partner

The University of New York in Prague marked the month of September with an exciting new collaboration with GEA College (Ljubljana, Slovenia) on the implementation of a new MBA program. Both higher education establishments share a mutual goal of training and empowering the future leaders of the business world, and for this reason the new MBA program […]

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Do You Fear Speaking in Public?

How many of us have a fear of speaking in public?  The word “speaking” is easy enough to understand, but the word “public” is a little more complex in the equation.  Public can be anything from a one-on-one conversation with a friend to speaking in front of thousands at the Rose Bowl. Alhough some theorists […]

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Win CZK 25,000 for your prom!

Prom is an unforgettable experience that you do not want to miss. Tests come and go, but memories like this last forever!  We all know that proms can be expensive, especially once you add up all the little details. This is why the University of New York in Prague wants to contribute CZK 25,000 (960 […]

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TEDxUNYP 2020 will be bigger and better than ever

TEDxUNYP is just around the corner, and this year could not be more exciting!  Our TEDxUNYP community is growing, and this year’s event will be the biggest and best yet. We will have a new venue, larger audiences, TED Circles, new swag and much more!  This July, TEDxUNYP went to Edinburgh, Scotland for the official TED […]

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UNYP announces new partnership with Junior Achievement CR

The University of New York in Prague has always been committed to preparing young people to succeed in a global economy, and this commitment is now taking on an extra dimension as UNYP enters into a brand-new partnership with Junior Achievement in the Czech Republic. “We are proud to be aligned with Junior Achievement in […]

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How to be a good citizen abroad

Over the past few years, we’ve shared many useful tips for students interested in study abroad in Prague. Every semester, we are delighted to welcome a new class of international UNYP students  to the Czech capital, and because of this, we feel responsible for letting you know how you can help keep your Study Abroad destination […]

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What to pack for your semester in Prague?

It’s finally happening. You’re getting ready for a semester abroad in the best university in Prague! Your parents are on board with this excellent plan. You’ve researched everything you might need to know about this beautiful European city, pre-planned your budget, even figured out where you want to travel for your first long weekend. All you have to do […]

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Seventh International Student Research Conference

Seven years ago, the Psychology Department of the University of New York in Prague held its first student research conference, entitled: “International Student Research Symposium: Building a Global Community in Psychological Science for the 21st Century.” The event drew participants from various European universities, and almost immediately became an annual event. Over the years, the conference has […]

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The 5 best exhibitions in Prague this summer

Naturally, we’ve been dreaming of spending the summer hanging out with UNYP friends at Naplavka, meditating in beautiful parks and public gardens, and gliding down the clear Vltava on a swan-shaped paddle boat. In reality, we all know that sometimes it’s far too hot for outdoor activities, and it’s good to have a few plans […]

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