Let Us Kill The Lawyers…Unusual Court Cases in Europe

Not all business that courts deal with is as serious as one would think. Below are three unusual cases from England, Italy and the Czech Republic. After reading them, one is less shocked that Shakespeare once wrote: ‚The first thing we do, we kill all the lawyers. “Existential Harm” Exasperated by the perennial delays of the State-owned train […]

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How to move outside your social bubble

When I teach creative writing classes at the Prague Municipal Library, I often encourage students to create a literary character that has a different worldview from their own. We discuss the way that every person has specific worldviews, whether they are political, economical, social or religious. The key of the exercise is to make students […]

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International Students: Recognizing and Maximizing the Opportunities

Sometimes we take the obvious for granted, and fail to appreciate the potential value in things that seem ordinary and commonplace. For example, it may seem obvious that UNYP students are “international students” at an international institution. But what does it mean to be an international student, and how can appreciating this fact provide students […]

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UNYP’s Center for Advanced Behavioral Research Opens Child Learning & Development Lab!

The Child Learning & Development Lab in UNYP’s Center for Advanced Behavioral Research officially opened at Belgická 40, on December 9th, 2016, Research Group Leader and Chair of Psychology department, Edel Sanders, is leading two investigations, with pilot projects slated to run in late Spring and early Fall of 2017.  The Child Learning & Development Lab is modeled […]

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UNYP featured in Handelsblatt: shaping the future of the booming Czech economy

On 25th November 2016, the German business newspaper Handelsblatt published an article about UNYP entitled “Very close to the east,” by Hans-Peter Siebenhaar. This article summarizes the main points. For several years, the University of New York in Prague has provided students with the ideal combination of education and networking to pursue high-powered careers. A truly international education […]

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How to avoid burnout

Radek Ptacek, a psychologist and lecturer at the University of New York in Prague has accepted an invitation to a popular talk show called “Show Jana Krause” where he talked about today’s very widespread problem of burnout. According to his words, burnout syndrome has an advantage for people, because they understand it. A man knows […]

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Why we do what we do?

Why do we decide in certain situations the way we do? Why someone becomes a workaholic and someone would be “bohem” his whole life? What drives our actions, emotions and even the quality of our life? The answer can be found in the six human needs we all aim to fulfill in different ways. The […]

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The Business of Ingress

A man stands in front of modern sculpture near the entrance to Bratislava’s Eurovia shopping center. He stares at his smart phone, alternately reading, drawing, pressing the screen, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. After about five minutes, he resolutely sets off towards the wall of the shopping center, stopping about 20m away from his previous position. In […]

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The Year of Fear

In October I was at a small, intimate, concert (capacity 150) by a band originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina that I used to listen to and became friendly with over the years. It was a comeback tour show, promoting a comeback record, they used to have a fair following in Europe a decade or […]

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UNYP creates a framework for the Czech Republic’s booming economy

The University of New York located in Prague for several years and its graduate students who have no problems finding very good jobs. Bloom in the East The University of New York in Prague constitutes one of the best private schools in the Czech Republic says Bernard Bauer (Director of the German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and […]

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