Benefits of a dual degree

Much like a dual citizenship within the EU and the US, having two degrees that are accredited by both the US and the Czech Republic can only help you move forward, making you more attractive for prospective employers, simply by covering more bases. The University of New York in Prague dual degree option is an opportunity to receive […]

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‘They Come for Obama, but They Stay for the Kardashians.’ UNYP Students at Forum Media 2016

On October 4th, two UNYP students attended the Economia Forum Media conference at the Prague congress centre. The annual conference focuses on the Czech media and marketing environment, and typically attracts over 300 professionals to discuss the state of marketing communications in the Czech Republic. The Department of Communication and Mass Media was graciously given […]

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International Communication Conference at UNYP

The Communication and Mass Media department at UNYP, in association with Charles University, will be hosting a pre-conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in early November. Media Accountability at the Crossroads: European Challenges and Perspectives, organized by the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Alpen-Adria- Universität […]

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Engaging with the Writing Lab Between Semesters

When the Writing Lab at UNYP was first established in 2009, it was designed to operate only throughout the semester while classes were in session and was closed at all other times of the year.  The rationale for the closure was that students who would normally use the service were on holiday, or at least […]

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Relaxing Is An Art Form

It is an oft-ignored fact that relaxation, especially in times of stress, is vitally important to your well-being and success. Ideally, you have already learnt to balance your schedule so that you are able to study, partake in an extracurricular activity of your choice and have time to relax. Relaxation in the Czech Republic is taken very […]

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Song of Humanity

Wherever we are, we feel that we stand at the end of something and like to dream of the beginning. Here is one such a dream. In prehistoric times, before people started living in tribes, they stayed in bands. While tribes were bound by kinship and territory, and thus relatively static, bands were in constant […]

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Learning Independence

Much has been written and said on the subject of independence, but it is never as relevant as when it directly affects you.  Starting a university degree is considered, in many cultures, and especially the Western world, to be the first stepping-stone towards the ultimate goal of being independent. You have chosen a path that […]

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Snap a photo and win 25,000 CZK for your prom

Before a gauntlet of final exams in May, high school students face a kind of social exam—their prom. In front of parents, teachers and classmates, students strive to put their best foot forward in one of their first steps toward adulthood, while also getting to enjoy a great party.  University of New York in Prague wants […]

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TEDx returns to UNYP

On November 5th, the University of New York in Prague together with the UNYP Student Council will be hosting the next installment of TEDxUNYP. Following last year’s success, TEDx is returning back to the University of New York in Prague, this year focusing on creativity, inspiration, vision, originality and fantasies – in two words: “Pure Imagination.” […]

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UNYP goes on tour!

Over the next few months representatives from UNYP will be hitting the road to attend University fairs across Central and Eastern Europe. Prospective students and their families are invited to meet with our team and hear more about our University’s programs. Attendees at the Brno, Bratislava and Prague fairs will also have a chance to win a […]

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