Benefits of a dual degree

Much like dual citizenship within the EU and the US, having two degrees accredited within the US and the Czech Republic can only help you move forward, making you more attractive to prospective employers on both continents.

The University of New York in Prague dual degree option is an opportunity to receive both an American-accredited degree directly from the State University of New York, Empire State College and a European-accredited degree from UNYP accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports as well as the British Accreditation Council when you choose to study the American Bachelors programs. Choosing Communication & Mass Media or International & Economic Relations offers you the option to take the Czech state exams as well after finishing your thesis. While adding exams may not sound like your idea of a good time, here are some reasons to change your mind.

One bachelor’s degree is good, two is better

While earning a degree from UNYP will give you a solid head start on the job market due to its real-world approach to critical thinking and case studies, having a degree that is accredited within the Czech Republic will allow for more choice – especially if you plan to stay in the Czech Republic upon completing your studies. Holding a Czech degree allows the recipient the right to work in the Czech Republic (There is still a lot of official paperwork to go with it, but it makes it easier for you to remain in Prague after your studies). Also, if for example, you start an internship here and decide you would like to stay with the company, your earning a dual degree will make you stand out as a candidate for full-time work once you’ve graduated.

Dual the benefit in the same study time

Studying a dual degree will not take any extra tuition or semesters than other four-year American programs. Yes, that is correct: It takes the same amount of time (four years) as a standard American Bachelor’s degree! UNYP also works with the prestigious State University of New York, Empire State College to offer these dual degree programs. For more information, email the Admissions office at

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