3 Prague spring events you dare not miss

Spring is not only the season when Mother Nature awakens from her winter sleep. Students have passed well into the semester and have plenty of time still until the next exam period. If you are looking for a great place to study abroad, you are still new to the University of New York in Prague […]

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Empire State College visited UNYP campus

On April 7th & 8th the University of New York in Prague hosted the Vice Provost for Academic Programs, Dr. Thomas Mackey and Interim Director for International Programs, Francesca Cichello from the State University of New York, Empire State College.  The visit was a great opportunity to show them the exciting new developments at UNYP this year […]

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Open-minded teachers, dynamic city, and an American degree, an exchange student shares her study abroad experience

Thinking of studying abroad in Prague? At UNYP? You can google pretty much all the basic information about private universities without too much effort: study programs, information about possible extracurricular activities, events organized by students. However, there is one precious thing this data can never replace – a shared personal experience. Therefore we interviewed one […]

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Don’t waste time on the wrong studies

According to a recent study from the Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis, 60% of Czech university graduates do not work in their degree field. Why does this happen? Sometimes young graduates change their minds about what interests them, but often they have problems finding work in their field. Is this scenario waiting for you? […]

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Tomorrow’s high standard leaders of Albania sculpted to perfection at University of New York, Tirana

Expansion of the EU is necessary for its diplomatic future. Albania is taking the first steps to becoming an EU member state and the current negotiations are working to achieve this. Albania is much more determined to introduce real reforms to help the development of the state. At the same time, Germany, being the sixth […]

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Negotiation secrets between men and women in business

Monika Tutterová Management Coach, Alumni Class of 2003 As we know, business is mostly about negotiation. Every day we negotiate our opinions and sell our ideas to our bosses and colleagues, talk about our opinions, and discuss our goals, finding common ground in order to grow. Men and women meet every day, each using their own […]

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The Debating Society of UNYP

Diana Ghalib Student in the Bachelor’s in International & Economic Relations program  The Debating Society of UNYP is a unique club. After a moribund semester, it rose from the ashes to become one of the university’s most successful societies. The Debating Society holds meetings every two weeks, in which it conducts debating sessions in the […]

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Empire State College mentor David Starr-Glass publishes on Power and Micropolitics in Small and Medium Enterprises

David Starr-Glass MBA, M.Sc., M.Ed. Mentor, International Programs (Prague), State University of New York – Empire State College David Starr-Glass has published a chapter, “Power and Politics in the Strategic Formation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises” in the new book “Organizational Management: Policies and Practices”. The book is published by Palgrave-Macmillan and edited by Joao Paulo Davim […]

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Why you shouldn’t miss Easter in Prague

As Prague welcomes this year’s spring, you will be amazed with the Easter celebrations just around the corner. During this time Prague is resplendent with colorful, dazzling Easter markets, as it draws draw closer and closer to the big day. Beneath the orange-tinged roofs, people busy themselves baking delicious goodies in the form of the […]

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The 5 best stylish cafés for students in Prague

Studying in Prague affords a great many opportunities, one such is the opportunity to study with your friends in some of the most stylish cafés in Europe. Cultural, friendly and cheap; discover in this article the best cafés for students. 1. Cafedu Founded by a Czech student who imported the concept of a study hall […]

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