I chose UNYP for my study abroad experience because UNYP allowed me freedom in choosing my courses. I also liked Prague very much, so that helped. I didn’t really have any trouble adjusting. I think this might be because I’ve visited Prague before and I am from Europe, so the difference in lifestyle etc. isn’t so dramatic. One of the most important things I learned from studying abroad in general is that you control your experience, it is up to you to make the time you have abroad the best time of your life, my advice, take it. Working with international students wasn’t a big struggle for me mostly because back home I live with international students. If you’re considering studying abroad at UNYP, do it. UNYP is a great school, very passionate about their students, with a great environment for new experiences.
Willemieke van der Tempel
FONTYS University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
I chose to study abroad at UNYP because I wanted to travel around Europe, and this was the most afforadable European program. I’ve traveled a lot, but never lived in another country, so the difference in resources took a bit of getting used to, but other than that, it just felt like a combination of moving into a new school dorm and going away for the week. I learned about how to live and cope in a culture that is different from my own, how to get by in a place where you don’t speak the language, and how to simplify my language and use fewer culture-specific phrases. I also became self-aware of quirks in my own culture. I loved learning the perspectives of students from other countries, and hearing stories of where they came from. It’s really neat to get to interact with people from all over the world. You also have the opportunity to travel on the weekends and see more of the world yourself.
Kathleen Budd
University of Indianapolis, USA
The dual degree is a great opportunity for me. Moreover, because it is an American university, I am surrounded by many native speakers. This experience is great for improving your knowledge of another language and getting to know yourself better. I had never been to the Czech Republic before and wanted this year to be an entirely new experience. I also heard many great recommendations from previous French students of UNYP.
Soline Danger
ESG Management School, France
UNYP helped make my semester away from home one that I will always remember. The hospitality of the faculty and students is something that will always stay with me.
Grant Wassom
University of Louisville, USA
I had an amazing semester at UNYP. The professors were all very experienced in their fields and had a wealth of knowledge on the subjects they taught. I had the opportunity to meet students from all over the world while still being able to take English-speaking classes. UNYP was the perfect fit for me!
Erin O’Grady
UMass Amherst, USA
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University of New York in Prague
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+420 224 221 261
Email: unyp@unyp.cz