
One-day Career seminar with Alex Reidl, took place on March 16, 2013

The Professional Seminar by Alex Reidl focused on a job interviews and application skills, is organized by our Career Office regularly every semester. It is specifically designed for students and recent graduates applying for their first job and is essential to help them succeed in finding a job after graduation. This semester’s seminar took place […]

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Students from Tomas Bata University on visit at UNYP

On March 7th and 8th 2013,  a group of students from Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín visited UNYP. The visit was part of a reciprocal exchange between the faculty of Multimedia and Marketing Communication at TBU, and UNYP’s department of Communication and Mass Media. UNYP’s Communication department was represented by students from the !Commclash student club, […]

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Politics, Ecology and Social Change at the Top of the World

Eric Zencey, State University of New York, Empire State College Mentor, went to Bhutan to take part in the ongoing work of a UN group convened and chaired by Bhutan’s prime minister, Jigme Thinley.  We are pleased to publish the story about his trip to the top of the world, written by himself. The morning of […]

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Democracy, Indifference and the Younger Generation

The end of February brought us the death of Stepháne Hessel, one of the main ideological proponents of the movements of “outraged” citizens questioning the implementation of the democratic ideas in our contemporary societies. It is curious to see how someone born in the first quarter of the 20th century could inspire and connect so […]

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The Magic of the Chinese Brush

Chinese calligraphy is the art of Chinese writing as well as the main expression of the Chinese identity, and thus the key to understanding the Chinese people. The discipline of Chinese calligraphy brings both physical and spiritual benefits. We are pleased to publish this story, written by one of our UNYP professors, Natasha Sutta, where […]

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BlueLink presented at UNYP

HR Manager Michaela Škodová and HR Recruitment Leader Michaela Kubalová were to present BlueLink International CZ and the special review on “How to find a job.”

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UNYP graduates have a place in the labor market

University of New York in Prague took first place with an unemployment rate of zero percent, along with other 3 private colleges. The table shows that graduates of UNYP have, after graduation, a place in the labor market, for sure. People with tertiary education have an unquestionable advantage in the labor market. Graduates of colleges […]

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The Unyp PULSE Lecture Series Presented: ‘Toward a New Development Paradigm’ with Dr. Eric Zencey

Dr. Eric Zencey: Fellow, The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont Visiting Associate Professor of Historical and Political Studies International Programs, SUNY Empire State College UNYP had the pleasure to present guest lecture which took place on February 26th. No economy anywhere in the world is ecologically sustainable, which means that every […]

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International Student Research Symposium Invitation

University of New York in Prague in cooperation with New York University, La Salle University and Czech Association of Psychology Students cordially invite you to our historically first International Student Research Symposium which will take place on 10th of May 2013 in the building of New York University in Malé náměstí 143/2 in Prague. 

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CFA Investment Research Challenge

A team of UNYP Business Administration students were victorious in the Czech Republic round of the CFA Institute Investment Research Challenge competition on January 31, 2013. The students on the team were Jiří Sýkora (American BS), Anna Richtrová (European BBA), Petr Rieger American BS), Martin Konop (American BS) and Radek Musil (European BBA). The official […]

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