
Day of Caring

I worked for several years as the Finance Director for a regional United Way in the U.S.  Every spring, we had an event called the “Day of Caring.”  This was a day when we would invite businesspeople, managers, department chairs, CEOs, etc. who were all United Way donors to leave their offices for a day, […]

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On 28 June 2013, the Graduation Ceremony for students at UNYP took place in the magnificent, Žofín Palace in Prague.  The main speaker at this year’s graduation event was Norman L. Eisen, J.D., B.A., Ambassador of the United States of America in the Czech Republic. During the graduation ceremony, diplomas were awarded to 197 students from […]

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UNYP attains new American Accreditation

Everyone appreciates recognition of a job well done. The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) is a recent recipient of substantial recognition for two of its business programs, and it is definitely something noteworthy for both those directly involved, and the university as a whole.  UNYP has been offering quality business education in English […]

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Advancing English Language Skills throughout the Summer

The importance of using the summer months to read extensively in English cannot be emphasized enough, especially for students who study in English at universities such as UNYP where the local language is so different. After spending one semester at university, most students soon recognize that the more they read and write in English, the […]

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Can You Really Build Your Own Business?

President of the United States Barack Obama suffered a verbal misstep in 2012, when speaking to a group in Roanoke, Virginia.  The clip can be found here: Specifically, the words that he used, that were focused on as insulting to entrepreneurs, were: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that […]

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Voodoo (Macro)Economics

Viewing the state of economic policy in the developed world these days, one is reminded of the old joke about the gentleman drunk  stumbling around under the lamppost looking for his lost keys. A policeman comes to help and after some time asks the gentleman if he is sure he lost his keys here. “No”, […]

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Contextualizing Cultural Diversity at the United Nations of UNYP

To those familiar with the make-up of classes at UNYP, the idea of teaching courses in intercultural or cross-cultural communication could seem to be a curious activity, since every single class is made up of students from quite often a surprisingly broad range of ethnic origins, and the interaction among students and faculty of a […]

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Responsibility: A cross-cultural comparison

One of the most interesting challenges as a foreigner abroad is to understand how people think in the host country you’re living in. We think we are different. However, you may feel like a “foreigner” in your home country too. We don’t understand very well why our friends think so differently. In the journey to […]

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Prejudice, the media and hate

UNYP faculty and students have been working on an innovative research project Albert Einstein once said that it was easier to crack an atom than to crack prejudice. No wonder, then, that prejudice has been the subject of so much academic study, especially since its impact is far from abstract. The worst manifestations of prejudice […]

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Dealing with the challenge of works councils

Derek Jones began his professional career as a research scientist before moving into HR in his mid-twenties. He subsequently held a number of positions with Nortel, ending as the company’s director of employee relations in EMEA. After a spell as an independent consultant he joined BT where he is currently HR Director, Middle and Eastern Europe. Having worked in […]

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