
What Are “Academic Literacies” and Why Should I Care?

Over the past few decades, English-medium universities like UNYP have admitted increasingly diverse groups of students, many of whom speak English as an additional language (Lea & Street, 2010; Thesen, 1997). The transition from high school to university is often challenging, even for students studying in their primary languages (Clerehan, 2002). For students who are […]

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Reflection on Human Rights

Human rights are under threat around the world. In the modern era, when we have an increasing level of average health, prosperity and education worldwide, why are human rights still under-protected? There is a tendency to see opportunity as a limited supply, rather than an equation where we can enlarge the pie of resources that we have to […]

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Dealing with Power Plays

All of us are sometimes the target of frustrating and unfair communicative strategies in our personal and organizational lives. These are often power games, taking the shape of patterns of communication and behavior into which we repeatedly, sometimes unconsciously and sometimes purposefully, find ourselves involved in. They are often not just isolated, random events. The […]

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The Joy of Being Back in the Classroom

For many of us, this semester will be remembered as the semester in which we return to the classroom, after the interlude caused by the COVID alert that forced us to teach our courses using internet-based technologies. I cannot express my joy of being back in a classroom in front of our students. I share […]

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Five Tips on How to Return to “Normal” and Avoid Post-Pandemic Anxiety

Well, it’s been a long year and a half, and it would appear that we are finally (if slowly) emerging from the worst of the pandemic era. The education system seems to be trying to re-establish itself with more structure than we have seen since early 2020, and the promise of actually being able to […]

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Dear Students: Please stop writing papers on (insert generation here)

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) theorized that a new generation arises every 30 years. Other sociologists would slightly vary the timespan (15-30 years) but maintain the basic theory. The intention behind determining the length of a generation was often to devise a framework for cleanly dividing society into generational categories, in order to better understand cultural, political […]

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A Renaissance for Student Societies

After an eventful academic year, in which UNYP students, faculty and administrators tried hard to replicate the normal activities that characterize life at the University of New York in Prague, it is time to look to the future with optimism. We all hope that Fall 2021 will mark the beginning of a return to our […]

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Become a better photographer during your UNYP summer break

The spring semester at UNYP is over, and you have a few months to enjoy life outside university. Those precious summer days will fly past unnoticed if all you do is sleep and stay in watching Netflix, so take advantage of the warmer weather to get out and start taking photos.   A student guide to […]

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6 Mental Barriers We Must Tear Down to Succeed

“The world has few obstacles as formidable as the ones in our own mind.” Timothy Sykes Imagine the scene: You’ve been working relentlessly to be successful in your endeavors, but you’re frustrated by the fact that no matter what you do, things constantly go wrong. You think you’ve been doing all the right things, and you’ve […]

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Three Generations of Holocaust Survivors

Several authors from UNYP and the National Institute of Mental Health and CEITEC (the Central European Institute of Technology) have written a research article on the effects of the Holocaust. The study was carried out thanks to the support of GACR (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) and organized by CEITEC leader prof. MUDr. Ivan […]

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