
Disruptive trends in 2018 – dreams or dumpster fires?

Donald Trump’s rise to power gave us a preview of what’s to come in 2018. A lot of people are still pinching themselves in the hope that 2017 was just a bad dream. 2017 was the “D” year – characterized by words like disruption, disturbance, destruction, depression, deception, defiance, discontent, despair and death. More generally, […]

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Translation gap between media and science

While traveling to work these days on the metro in Prague, I observe rows of heads slightly tilted downward, gazing at mobile devices. The information emanating from these machines includes valuable real-time information, entertainment and erroneous tales that have been culled from existing data to satisfy some entity’s agenda. So-called “fake news” has become a […]

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Master’s or work after graduation?

Graduation came and went. You passed your state exams, and your thesis was a success. Now you’re faced with a difficult decision: Should you continue your education with a Master’s program or should you enter the workforce? This can be a daunting decision to make and is dependent on several conditions including what you intend to do after […]

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Why You Should Study Communications and Media

There are so many options when it comes to studying in Prague. With all of the universities and majors, it can be hard to figure out where to start. Here are our reasons for why you should study Communications and Mass Media at University of New York in Prague. A Comprehensive Approach If communication as a topic […]

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The sense of silence

Have you ever wondered what is happening when you don’t get an immediate answer? When the person on the other side is just not responding quickly enough for you? Think about it for a second. Silence can be an entire form of communication – not just a lack of it.  Silence can also be used […]

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The Light and Shadow of Digital Technologies We Live With – part II

Many of the great values of digital technologies (probably all) have a shadow side. My view is similar to Jung’s; I do not see these shadows as wholly bad, because they enable us to see the light. If we do not integrate the darker side, the lighter side will seem less bright. We need the instinctive, […]

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