
Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece presents Europe’s future at UNYP

This month we were thankful and privileged to have had Professor John (Iannis) Mourmouras, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece, present his lecture entitled “Recent developments in the European Union: a look to the East” to our graduate and undergraduate students. We are delighted to offer you a summary of this lecture.  Professor Mourmouras opened his lecture with a […]

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UNYP’s Communication & Media program receives 10 year accreditation!

We are proud to announce that the Czech Ministry of Education has granted a ten year accreditation (the maximum number of years permitted by law) to UNYP’s Communication and Media program. This successful accreditation is the result of our commitment to providing high-quality education and creating the best opportunities for our students and alumni. UNYP’s Communication and Media […]

Read more > How do I choose the right university?

At some point during their high school years, all young people face one big question: should I go to university? One reason to stay in school for four more years is to take the opportunity to build the foundation of a successful career. University students have a unique chance to broaden their worldviews through studying […]

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UNYP rides subway to Gaudeamus Brno Fair

Have you ever wanted to visit New York City, yet stay physically in the Czech Republic? University of New York in Prague (UNYP) arrived in Gaudeamus Brno with a NYC subway car, and a replica of Time Square supported by a team of students, alumni and professors to explain to visitors why private education can […]

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10 Prague Instagrammers Worth Following

What does your Instagram feed consist of these days? Fellow UNYP students, friends from back home? Your favorite brands and world-famous influencers?  Many people think that this platform can’t offer anything better than billions, if not trillions, of kittens, other people’s meals, and hidden (or not-so-hidden) ads. Although Instagram has all of the above, if you […]

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8 Tips to Improve Your Academic and Work Focus

Have you ever found yourself faced with an important task but been unable to focus on it long enough or well enough to get it done effectively? Does this happen to you too often for comfort?  Certainly, the occasional inability to concentrate is nothing unusual, but it can be particularly annoying (or even worrisome) if […]

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Win CZK 25,000 for your high school prom!

Prom is an unforgettable experience that you do not want to miss. Tests come and go, but memories like this are forever!  We all know that proms can be expensive, especially once you add up all the little details. This is why the University of New York in Prague wants to contribute CZK 25,000 to […]

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5 art exhibits not to miss in Prague this August

If you live and study in Prague, you have probably noticed the overwhelming variety of cultural events that this city offers every month. In Prague, art waits for you on every corner, but the local art aficionados know that finding the best exhibitions requires some research. We have saved you the trouble and found the […]

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University Rector shares the key to startup success

From business executives to those studying to get their MBAs in Prague, many are interested in one fundamental question when it comes to entrepreneurship: What makes a startup successful? The University of New York in Prague Rector Andreas Antonopoulos recently made headlines with his expertise on the subject. Study business with an industry expert in Prague. According […]

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UNYP Alum’s Startup Makes Sustainable History

The University of New York in Prague alumnus Pavel Podruh recently made history when he accepted the prestigious EU Sustainable Energy Award for his startup Český Ostrovní Dům. Pavel and his team are the first Czechs ever to win the award and the only ones to do so without a subsidized project, according to his announcement […]

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