
Meet your Student Council and check out their new website!

Student council is here to bring more fun to your student life. With plenty of events, trips and other special activities they will try to make your studies easier and you will get a chance to discover new things. Our student council connects students with university administration and academics to provide a great study-life balance for our […]

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Must-have apps for Prague

Apps have become as much a part of our lives as reading the newspaper (you probably have an app for your favourite one) or making a cup of coffee in the morning for a busy day of lectures. Heralding a new era of connectivity, there are now apps for absolutely everything- reading, eating, exercising, even […]

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Extracurricular activities critical to university – life balance

The road to success is paved with hours of hard work; dotted with stacks of books, networking events, scientific research and enough coffee consumption to comfortably sustain the economy of a small South American country. With this in mind, it is necessary to point out that life is all about balance, which is why it […]

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Win tickets to see Justin Bieber live in Prague

The University of New York in Prague is giving away two free Justin Bieber tickets. We appreciate how hard students work all year to get into great universities or to complete their university degree, especially our own UNYPers!  We believe it’s important to take a break and reward yourself with something exciting and fun – […]

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Five Best Ways to Come Back from Holiday

Unless you have spent the past two months knee-deep in scientific studies and literature you brain is probably still in vacation mode. With just one week of holidays left, we have put together a short list of five best ways to make the transition to student’s life easier. 1. Get enough sleep Although you have probably heard this […]

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Meet Your Student Council President

It demands a lot of extra work, strong personal skills and mainly: having a vision and not being affraid to push it forward. But at the same time it rewards you with tons of experience, networking opportunities and it helps you develop your soft skills. We interviewed Matouš Hartman, the current UNYP Student Council President […]

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Get Your MBA

You are considering getting an MBA. You’ve asked for advice from family, friends and your co-workers and maybe even your boss or HR department, but have come no closer to reaching a decision. A quick Google of the word “MBA” will generate a confusing paradox of articles screaming that your life essentially depends on obtaining […]

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New York College Graduation Ceremony

New York College (NYC) organized its annual Graduation Ceremony at the National Gymnastics Association in Athens. Academic representatives of partner universities awarded Graduates Bachelor’s, Master, and PhD degrees, having carried out their studies entirely in Greece. These representatives included Dr. Alfred Ntoko Provost of Academic Affairs of the State University of New York-Empire State College, […]

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CNN Greece Interview of UNYP President, Ilias Foutsis

On July 3rd, Ilias Foutsis, Founder & President of New York College Educational Group gave an interview to the CNN Greece on the value of studying private university and more specifically at New York College in Athens. Mr. Foutsis stressed the benefit of multiculturalism that New York College Educational Group delivers to its students, due […]

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HEC Montreal Visits UNYP!

On June 30th, to kick off the summer break we received some very special visitors from Canada to the UNYP campus.  HEC Montréal, a business school with a leading reputation in teaching and research, stopped by with 25 of their students.  The purpose was to sit for a guest lecture from the CEO of RS Dynamics […]

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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