Student Life

How to be a good citizen abroad

Over the past few years, we’ve shared many useful tips for students interested in study abroad in Prague. Every semester, we are delighted to welcome a new class of international UNYP students  to the Czech capital, and because of this, we feel responsible for letting you know how you can help keep your Study Abroad destination […]

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8 Icebreakers for UNYP Orientation Day

Starting a major new project isn’t always easy, so your university orientation needs to be a smooth and positive experience. UNYP Orientation Days should be the perfect opportunity for you to learn about your program, the campus, and most importantly, meet your new classmates. It is the first day for everyone, so don’t be shy, make an effort, and […]

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5 reasons to join the UNYP Blazers

You can’t dispute that regular physical activity helps contribute to healthier lives – but did you know that there are a lot of other benefits to participating in university sports? The University of New York in Prague is home to the UNYP Blazers. We represent our university by participating in sporting activities, primarily Football and Floorball.   At UNYP, we […]

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UNYP Graduation Ceremony 2019

The University of New York in Prague has held its 18th Annual Graduation Ceremony at the magnificent Palác Žofín, located at Slovanský Ostrov. Academic representatives of UNYP and its partner universities awarded Bachelor’s, Master’s, and MBA degrees to the graduates. During the graduation ceremony, diplomas were awarded to 173 students from 36 countries, from both UNYP and […]

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5 Prague music venues you need to know

Living in Prague and attending a multicultural university is an invaluable experience, whether you study Communication and Media, Business Administration or IT management. Your education plays a significant role in your future career, but so does your social and cultural experience as a student. By connecting with your UNYP peers, you can establish life-long friendships and potentially find future business […]

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Seventh International Student Research Conference

Seven years ago, the Psychology Department of the University of New York in Prague held its first student research conference, entitled: “International Student Research Symposium: Building a Global Community in Psychological Science for the 21st Century.” The event drew participants from various European universities, and almost immediately became an annual event. Over the years, the conference has […]

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Getting over mistakes

In our work, study and personal issues, we must sometimes come to grips with the fact that things do not always go completely to plan. On occasion, our best-laid strategies and intentions lie in tatters before us, perhaps due to circumstances beyond our control, but sometimes because we have simply made a mess of it […]

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Master your diplomacy skills with MUNYP

Last month, the Model United Nations Society At The University of New York in Prague organized a group meeting to discuss the links between capitalism and the global food crisis. MiniMUNYP aims to boost the public speaking, presentation, and argument-forming skills of students at UNYP, using real-world scenarios and problems. By assigning participants a country of their […]

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Best weekend trips outside of Prague

Without a doubt, Prague is the Czech Republic’s top destination for visitors, with its historic sites, world-renowned theatres, diverse cafe culture, and state-of-the-art public transportation system. When choosing Prague for your Study Abroad destination, you probably considered its convenient location and planned out lots of trips to other European capitals. But don’t forget that there are many other cities and towns […]

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10 Tips for landing an internship

Without a doubt, by now you will have already done a lot of research to decide to study in Prague and to choose your higher education institution. Now it is time for you to do the same thing before committing to an internship. A good internship will not only give you an insight into your future profession but […]

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