Study Abroad

A Hipster Guide to Prague

You just arrived in the Golden City for a study abroad semester. You wear skinny jeans and plaid shirts. Maybe some thick-framed glasses. As a newly international student, you don’t know where to go for entertainment, shopping, and just hanging out. If you consider yourself part of the hipster culture, you’ll be happy to know […]

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Prague on Instagram

Let’s face it. If you didn’t see it on Instagram, it didn’t happen. Students who study abroad know that one of the many perks of exchange programs is access to all the beautiful sites a European city like Prague has to offer. And beautiful sites means beautiful photos to post so your friends and family […]

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Exchange Program Offers Unique Opportunity in Malaysia

University of New York in Prague student Tereza Dusikova is no stranger to travel. Currently studying Communications and Mass Media, Tereza had trotted all over the globe before she decided to study abroad in Malaysia as part of UNYP’s exchange program. What she found there was the perfect complement to her classes at UNYP. For the Fall […]

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Prague climbs the ranks as an international study destination

Prague is on the rise when it comes to international students! The Golden City ranks 26th, jumping 13 places from last year, as one of the best places for students to study abroad, according to a recent survey by QS Best Student Cities. The beautiful capital of the Czech Republic is still building its reputation as […]

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UNYP launches new exchange partnership with Nichols College

Great business minds think alike, which is why it’s great to announce that two top-notch private schools, University of New York in Prague and Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts, are teaming up in a new exchange program. Starting Fall 2017, the program will select two undergraduates to participate as exchange students. Founded in 1815, Nichols College is […]

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International Students: Recognizing and Maximizing the Opportunities

Sometimes we take the obvious for granted, and fail to appreciate the potential value in things that seem ordinary and commonplace. For example, it may seem obvious that UNYP students are “international students” at an international institution. But what does it mean to be an international student, and how can appreciating this fact provide students […]

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From Prague to Bangkok

When University of New York in Prague student Jakub Slabina first arrived in Bangkok in January 2016, he wasn’t sure what to expect. The International and Economic Relations major had never set foot in Asia. His friends told him that he was going to have a hard time. Jakub was used to studying in Prague. He was […]

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Media Accountability Conference in the Eyes of UNYP Communication Students

On November 8th the Communications department at UNYP hosted an international conference on media accountability. The conference, entitled Media Accountability at the Crossroads: European Challenges and Perspectives, was organized by the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Alpen-Adria- Universität Klagenfurt, and the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism. It was held as a […]

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Czech holiday traditions explained

Perhaps you just arrived in Prague to study abroad. Perhaps you’ve been studying at university for several months. Either way, the holiday season can be a magical experience in the Golden City for the international student. Maybe while exploring the many Christmas markets or when chatting with Czech students, you’ve come across some of these […]

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Skip town this holiday

When you study abroad, there are times when you’ll find yourself opting for a holiday getaway instead of the familiar hometown celebration. Why not? Part of the reason you decided to study in Prague in the first place was to experience rich cultural traditions of other countries. Whether you’re studying Business Adminsitration or Communications & Mass Media, everyone needs […]

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