Study Abroad

Club Sports

Athletic participation is a way for students to grow and learn and enjoy themselves and to use and develop their personal, physical, and intellectual skills. UNYP provides all its students, faculty, and staff members with free access to a variety of sports facilities. Sport and recreation are an important part of student life, and through your […]

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Finding your way around While you’re studying in Prague, you’ll need to be able to get around! Fortunately, Prague is a safe and walkable city, and the public transportation system (MHD) is clean, efficient and affordable. The MHD includes a network of trams, buses, and metro (subway) systems which will enable you to get to every […]

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Student Testimonials

Check out what other students thought about studying abroad in Prague Willemieke van der TempelFONTYS University of Applies Sciences, Netherlands “I chose UNYP for my study abroad experience because UNYP allowed me freedom in choosing my courses. I also liked Prague very much, so that helped. I didn’t really have any trouble adjusting. I think […]

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Prague ranked in the Campus Advisor’s Top Ten Student-Friendly Cities

The Campus Advisor has recently published an article ranking the top thirty most student-friendly cities in the world. According to the survey, Prague is in seventh place, with an overall score of 4.40 out of 5. What makes a city attractive to international students? The survey scored university cities on six criteria: Student Friendliness (4.74), […]

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Erasmus and beyond: students share their exchange experiences

Spending a semester or two abroad can be an exciting experience for every student, and taking part in the European Union’s Erasmus program is an amazing way to expand your horizons. In addition to Erasmus, UNYP cooperates with many universities located in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia.  We understand the value of an […]

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Spending the holiday season in the Czech Republic

Studying abroad at UNYP can bring many unforgettable experiences. Of course, you will meet classmates from over 60 countries and learn their culture, but while you are in the Czech Republic, you have the opportunity to learn about Czech traditions as well. For those of you who will be staying in Prague in December, we have […]

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UNYP Signs MOU on Students Exchange with The American University in Iraq – Baghdad

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) signed a memorandum of understanding with the American University of Iraq – Baghdad (AUIB), on the students exchange program, in addition to double degree agreements, students transfer, faculty exchange, and joint research. This agreement paves the way for UNYP students to participate in joint classes, research projects, study abroad programs. […]

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What to do on a rainy summer day in Prague?

Summer 2021 in Prague has been rainy and stormy. However, there are still a lot of things to do and see when the weather is not cooperating – and if you live near the UNYP Campus in Vinohrady, the choices are almost limitless. Staying at home is always an option, but you should not miss […]

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5 physical activities to keep yourself fit in Prague

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, it is important to do physical exercise on a regular basis. A healthy body will help you concentrate on your studies and live your best student life. Of course, we could suggest that you go to the gym – but we feel that this is too obvious and […]

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Meal prep tips for students

Being able to go eat physically at a restaurant or a bistro is a luxury nowadays. Due to government restrictions, most eateries have temporarily changed into food delivery service, which might be costly for a student budget. Of course, eating out is one of the pleasures of the Prague experience. There are many hip and trendy restaurants […]

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