
Credit where credit is due: UNYP Business Administration students can get study credits for their internships

There’s no doubt that a successful internship will give you insight into potential careers, and could also be a fast track to a full-time job. But Bachelor of Business Administration students at the University of New York in Prague can get even more out of their internships.  “There are a few possible scenarios,” says Dr. Dan Šťastný, Dean of the School of […]

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UNYP goes greener with Perlego

When it comes to fighting climate change, we immediately think of bans on gasoline-powered cars, making tech giants use renewable energy to power their data centers, recycling waste, and generally rethinking humanity’s approach to using natural recourses. Since 2008, the University of New York in Prague has had a recycling policy in place, working with a recycling company and placing recycling bins for paper and plasticsthroughout the campus. In […]

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Unyp brings textbooks online with a new Perlego deal

University students worldwide spend a lot of money on textbooks – often textbooks that they only need for part of a program. Printed textbooks tend to be expensive, straining a student’s limited budget, and it is not always possible to buy second-hand textbooks or borrow them from the library, which might push some students to search for illegal and sometimes incomplete copies online. Restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic […]

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Career opportunities with a Master of Science in International Management

If you are considering studying for a Master of Science in International Management, you probably already know that this degree will give you a competitive edge and help you to move up the career ladder quickly. A Master of Science in International Management offered by the University of New York in Prague in partnership with the University of Bolton will […]

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Observations of Growth amidst a Pandemic

At the beginning of the operating restrictions set in place for universities in the Czech Republic, I had doubts and concerns as to how UNYP would successfully transition to online learning and how the students would fare in this transition. With the Spring semester finished and movement restrictions now lifting within the Czech Republic, there […]

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UNYP’s Rector on transferring to the University of New York in Prague from a different university

There are thousands of ambitious Czech students who dream of studying in the US, and might now think that the pandemic has ruined their plans. But all is not lost; although these students have seen their study abroad plans interrupted, they still have the opportunity to receive an authentic American education without leaving the Czech […]

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UNYP explores VR opportunities in education

Over the last few months, the University of New York in Prague has made great efforts in managing the transition from campus to virtual instruction. Considering the circumstances, and the serious nature of events, we did our best to help our students conclude their semester and maintain their UNYP experience, no matter where they are in the world. Most of our regular services were also offered online, including our counseling center and tutoring labs, as well […]

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If you speak Czech, why study in English in Prague?

Many young Czechs who are about to graduate from high school are interested in coming to Prague to study at university. Of all cities in the Czech Republic, Prague is the one with the most international universities, as well as the most programs taught entirely in English. But why should you go in for higher education in English, if you could simply study in […]

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How to identify an outstanding university

Higher education is now a near-essential component of life in the developed world. The job market is more competitive than ever, while economic, social, and environmental conditions are in constant flux. In this high-paced world, young people need guidance and sufficient educational resources to help them reach their career goals. World-class higher education establishments thrive in an environment […]

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How to identify an outstanding university

Higher education is now a near-essential component of life in the developed world. The job market is more competitive than ever, while economic, social, and environmental conditions are in constant flux. In this high-paced world, young people need guidance and sufficient educational resources to help them reach their career goals. World-class higher education establishments thrive in an environment […]

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