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All full editions of the UNYP Chronicle can be found in our archive or the articles can be found below.

On (not) answering

Jakub Guziur Communication and Mass Media Faculty It is answers that are wanted. Realizing I know only a little more than nothing, I offer my uncertainties and doubts instead.  We came here for the answers, students insist, looking somehow confused and frustrated. Sure, but: Would you trade a feeble, short-lived answer for a solid question […]

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Literature and Politics

Clare Wallace, Ph.D., doc. Psychology Faculty In autumn 2015 I will be teaching a course exploring literary representations of political issues.  It is a fascinating, if potentially endless, field of investigation. When authors engage with questions of agency, conflict and ethics in works of fiction or theatre, they can provide us with insights into the […]

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The Two Faces of Myanmar

Dr. Charles P. Webel              International and Economic Relations Faculty  Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a developing country sandwiched between India, China, and Thailand.   Famous for its wondrous temples and 2500-year old Buddhist culture and traditions, Myanmar has been driven by internal conflicts for decades. Accordingly, there are two faces of Myanmar: the golden images […]

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Africa a Fascinating Continent

Jan Záhořík International and Economic Relations Faculty Since 2006, I have been visiting Africa every year, at least for a couple of weeks. Africa is usually portrayed in the Western media as a continent full of conflicts, diseases, famines, and other disasters.  These stereotypes are nothing new and actually go back to the rise of […]

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Career and Career Development: Personal Goals, Effort, Commitment

David Starr-Glass MBA, M.Sc., M.Ed. Mentor, International Programs (Prague), State University of New York – Empire State College Career has multiple meanings and multiple perspectives. Traditionally, a career has been defined as the progression of accomplishments and advancements through which an individual progresses in his or her work-life.  In this traditional understanding, a career was […]

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Back to the Middle Ages

Todd Nesbitt Chair of Communication and Mass Media  In a remarkable speech in Stuttgart 25 years ago, NYU professor Neil Postman cited George Orwell in declaring that people in 1990 are just as naïve as those who lived in the Middle Ages.  Borrowing Orwell’s 1940s observation to describe the dangers of the information age, he […]

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Did Playtime Make you Smarter?

Dr. Judith Gerardi Professor, Empire State College SUNY Playtime is a vital and integral part of psychological development. It is not trivial or a waste of time.  We know that play is fun and that enjoyment is an essential part of life. Most of us, however, have never stopped to think about its significance in […]

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UNYP/ESC students win CFA Research Challenge 2015

Tanweer Ali, M.A. Business Administration Faculty Investment analysts are influential people. They are often sought by the media to comment on all manner of news stories, and their recommendations to buy, sell or hold shares of a company move financial markets – and they have the ear of most corporate chief executives. But what exactly […]

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Capitalism´s Death Wish

M.A. Kevin Capuder Chair of Business Administration Department Many writers have asserted that capitalism must have a death wish. Most commonly, the argument put forward has to do with globalwarming and future environmental disaster. The self-interested eliteplayers in capitalism can’t seem to view self-interest beyond their own generation. You see, individuals can be rational and […]

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On the Speculative Attack on the Russian Ruble

Mark Tomass, Ph.D. MBA Faculty, University of New York in Prague What Is a Speculative Attack? A speculative attack on a country’s currency generally takes place when speculators believe that the currency is overvalued given the fundamentals of that country’s economy. Accordingly, because they expect the value of that currency to depreciate in the future, […]

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