The UNYP Chronicle

UNYP Newsletter Chronicle is free, monthly e-newsletter. It’s the best way to stay informed about upcoming events, local discussion and writing groups, new website content, and special announcements and offers. Each edition includes links to help you send feedback or unsubscribe.

All full editions of the UNYP Chronicle can be found in our archive or the articles can be found below.

Ten Ways to Declutter Your Mind and Free Up Mental Space

I don’t think anyone is going to be surprised regarding the reason this modest article is being submitted for your kind consideration.  To be brief and to the point, I will pose the following, simple question:  How many of us do not have a mind full of near useless thoughts and concerns that distract us from the […]

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“We have only one option: to educate and talk”

Games, the Web, and Porn: A Parent’s Guide to the Jungle of Digital Childhood and Puberty is the name of a new book by UNYP instructor Michaela Slussareff. Dr. Slussareff teaches in the Communication and Media and Digital Media Arts major, and in the fall will be teaching the History & Theory of New Media class. We asked her a few […]

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Pandemic commentaries by first-year writing students

When asked to contribute to this month’s newsletter, I knew exactly who to feature. In the Spring of 2021, I asked (though maybe “required” is a better word here) my first-year writing students to develop their own commentary piece on the pandemic.To encourage those students to explore their interests and create their own research space, […]

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“How to Work and Get Along With Really Stupid People”

Please don’t be offended by the title of this article! We don’t want to insult anyone, but for successful conflict management, we need to point out that there can be great differences between the way you think, present your ideas and intentions, and consider yourself…and the way that others feel, think, emote, or respond…to you. […]

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The role of international law in the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine poses some challenges for students of International Law and Diplomacy in terms of what they have were taught and what they have come to expect of the discipline. Since World War II, there has been no major wars in Europe, and despite Russia’s incursions into Georgia in 2008, the annexation […]

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Think Twice before Releasing Another Greenwashing Statement

Irena Buřívalová attained her Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media at UNYP in cooperation with the State University of New York in 2005, before going on to complete her Master’s in Professional Communication and Public Relations also at UNYP in cooperation with La Salle University. She has held a number of interesting positions in Public […]

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Forgiveness Heals

Now is the time for healing on many levels, from the personal to the societal.  Over the past two years, our lives have been challenged due to worldwide events. Many of us have experienced trauma, perhaps related to painful divisions among colleagues, friends or family members. Learning to forgive others, as well as to request […]

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UNYP achieves EFMD membership

UNYP is proud to announce that it has achieved full membership in the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). The EFMD is globally recognized as an accrediting body for business schools and business programs, and UNYP’s full membership is the first step towards accreditation by this prestigious institution. EFMD provides its members with a wide range […]

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Spring Semester Invites the Spirit of Hope

As we embark upon spring semester, let us remember the power of hope, as embodied in the dormant blossoms that will open their petals as soon as the season and warm weather allow.  Particularly during this challenging time, we need a valuable tool to uplift our spirits and motivate our minds. We could view hope […]

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Five Strategies to Become a More Creative Thinker: When you want to be or do more than average

How many of us believe that creativity is the exclusive domain of artists, politicians, planners, and other people who need to be able to create solutions, sometimes fairly quickly? On the other hand, Rod Judkins ( suggests that creativity is for everyone, regardless of position or responsibility. Pursuant to this suggestion, he offers five ways […]

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