Clare Elizabeth Wallace

Clare Elizabeth Wallace
doc. Charles University, Czech Republic Ph.D. Charles University, Czech Republic M.A. University College Dublin, Ireland B.A. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Clare Wallace je absolventkou Trinity College v Dublinu, kde získala bakalářský titul, na magisterské stadium pokračovala na University College v Dublinu, a doktorát získala na Karlově univerzitě, kde rovněž vyučuje na Ústavu anglofonních literatur a kultur. Mezi okruhy jejího akademického zaměření patří irská studia, poválečné a současné britské drama a divadlo, ale I americké drama a divadlo 20. století. Od roku 1998 do roku 2009 byla členkou řídící komise Evropské federace asociací a center irských studií (EFACIS); od roku 2006 do roku 2009 byla reprezentantkou Evropy v Mezinárodní asociaci pro studium irských literatur (IASIL). Od roku 2013 vykonává funkci viceprezidentky ve Společnosti pro studium současného anglofonního dramatu (CDE). Je členkou redakční rady JCDE (Journal of Contemporary Drama in English) a také poradního sboru při International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen.

Knihy: Crisis, Representation and Resilience: Perspectives on Contemporary British Theatre, eds. Clare Wallace, Clara Escoda, Enric Monforte & José Ramón Prado-Pérez. Methuen Drama Engage Series (2022).

The Theatre of David Greig. Methuen Drama Critical Companions Series (2013).

Suspect Cultures: Narrative, Identity and Citation in 1990s New Drama (2007).

Cosmotopia: Transnational Identities in David Greig’s Theatre, eds. Anja Müller and Clare Wallace (2011).

Stewart Parker Television Plays (2008).

Stewart Parker: Dramatis Personae and Other Writings, eds. Gerald Dawe Maria Johnston and Clare Wallace (2008).

Monologues: Theatre, Performance, Subjectivity (2006).

Global Ireland: Irish Literatures in the New Millennium, eds. Ondřej Pilný and Clare Wallace (2006).

Giacomo Joyce: Envoys of the Other, eds. Louis Armand and Clare Wallace (2002; expanded edition 2006).

Další publikace:

Special Issue: Dialogue, Performance and the Body Politic in Contemporary Theatre, Litteraria Pragensia 32.63 (2022)

Studying English Literature in Context: Critical Readings (2022)

Special Issue: Migration and Intercultural Communication, Litteraria Pragensia 31.61 (2021)

Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation (2021)

The Golden Thread: Irish Women Playwrights, 1716-2016 (2021)

Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre: Exploring Feeling on Page and Stage (2021)

Special Issue: Performance and Ireland, Scene 8.1&2 (2020)

The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature (2020)

Financované projekty:

MOVES – Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges, European Joint Doctorate 2019-2023.

Member of: “British Theatre in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis, Affect, Community.” FFI2016-75443-P Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) 2017-2021.

Key Researcher in the European Regional Development Fund-Project 2018-2022 “Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).

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